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Dictionary French English: vol

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NOUN   le vol | les vols
NOUN   vol | vols
vol {m} [oiseau, avion]
orn. vol {m}flock
vol {m} [action]flying
comm. dr. vol {m} [après avoir brisé la devanture]smash-and-grab raid
dr. vol {m} [délit]robbery
dr. vol {m} [délit]theft
dr. vol {m} [larcin]larceny
2 Words: Others
au vol {adv}in flight
2 Words: Nouns
aviat. tourisme vol {m} chartercharter flight
aviat. vol {m} d'essaitrial flight
dr. vol {m} d'identitéidentity theft
dr. vol {m} d'identitétheft of identity
orn. vol {m} d'oieswedge of geese
vol {m} intérieurdomestic flight
aviat. vol {m} planéglide [without engine]
aviat. vol {m} planévolplane
aviat. vol {m} planégliding flight
aviat. vol {m} planéengine-inoperative flight
aviat. VocVoy. vol {m} prévuregular flight
aviat. VocVoy. vol {m} prévuscheduled flight
aviat. vol {m} régulierscheduled flight
aviat. vol {m} retourreturn flight
dr. vol {m} simplepetty larceny [minor theft] [also: petit larceny]
3 Words: Others
à vol d'oiseau {adv} [loc.]as the crow flies [idiom]
de haut vol {adj} [directeur]high-powered [attr.]
de haut vol {adj} [fig.] [diplomate]high-flying [attr.] [fig.]
orn. de haut vol {adj} [oiseau]high-flying [attr.]
de haut vol {adj} [prostituée]high-class [attr.]
aviat. orn. en plein vol {adv}in mid-flight
3 Words: Verbs
dr. accuser qn. d'un volto accuse sb. of theft
entendre qc. au volto catch sth. [to hear]
aviat. interdire qn. de volto ground sb. [forbid sb. from flying]
dr. juger qn. pour volto try sb. for theft
aviat. ravitailler en volto refuel in flight
aviat. reconfirmer un volto reconfirm a flight
dr. soupçonner qn. de volto suspect sb. of theft
3 Words: Nouns
aviat. annulation {f} du volflight cancelation [Am.]
aviat. annulation {f} du volflight cancellation [Br.]
aviat. enregistreur {m} de vol [boîte noire]flight recorder [black box]
aviat. interdiction {f} de volflying ban
aviat. interdiction {f} de volban on flying
aviat. niveau {m} de vol <FL>flight level <FL>
aviat. phase {f} du volflight phase
aviat. plan {f} de volflight plan
aviat. ravitaillement {m} en volin-flight refueling [Am.]
aviat. ravitaillement {m} en volin-flight refuelling [Br.]
aviat. simulateur {m} de volflight simulator
dr. tentative {f} de volattempted theft
entom. trou {m} de volexit hole
entom. trou {m} de volflight hole
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