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French-English translation for: taper
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Dictionary French English: taper

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VERB   taper | tape | avoir tapé | tapant
NOUN   a taper | tapers
VERB  to taper | tapered | tapered ... 
SYNO   taper | wick | to point | to sharpen ... 
taper (qc.)
to type (sth.) [typewrite]
météo. taper [soleil] [fam.]to beat down
inform. taper qc. [texte, code]to enter sth. [type]
fin. taper qn. [fam.]to cadge from sb. [Br.] [coll.]
fin. taper qn. [fam.]to (try to) touch sb. for a loan [coll.]
2 Words: Verbs
se taper [l'un l'autre]to hit each other
se taper [l'un l'autre]to knock each other about
se taper [soi-même]to hit oneself [e.g. on the finger with a hammer]
se taper qc. [fam.] [travail]to get landed with sth. [Br.] [coll.]
se taper qc. [fam.] [travail]to get lumbered with sth. [Br.] [coll.]
se taper qn. [fam.] [sexuellement]to lay sb. [sl.] [have sex with sb.]
se taper qn. [fam.] [sexuellement]to have it off with sb. [coll.] [idiom] [have sex with sb.]
fin. taper dans qc. [fam.] [réserves, économies]to dig into sth. [coll.] [savings]
taper durto hit hard
taper durto pack a powerful punch [coll.] [hit hard]
taper qc. à qn. [fam.]to scrounge sth. off sb. [coll.]
typ. taper sur qc. [clavier]to thump away at sth.
tech. taper sur qc. [clou, pieu]to hit sth.
taper sur qn.to strike sb.
taper sur qn.  coups répétés]to beat sb. up
taper sur qn. [fig.] [critiquer]to badmouth sb. [coll.]
taper sur qn. [fig.] [critiquer]to knock sb. [coll.] [criticise]
taper sur qn. [fig.] [critiquer]to run sb. down [criticise]
taper sur qn. [fig.] [critiquer]to slag sb. off [Br.] [coll.]
taper sur qn. [une fois]to hit sb.
3 Words: Verbs
s'en taper de qn./qc. [fam.]to not give a damn about sb./sth. [coll.]
taper à côté [fam.]to be wide of the mark [coll.]
taper à pouf [fam.] [deviner]to guess
typ. taper au toucherto touch-type
taper des mainsto clap (one's hands)
taper des piedsto stamp one's feet
taper du piedto stamp one's foot
jeux taper le carton [fam.]to play (at) cards
taper un codeto key in in a password
4 Words: Verbs
cuis. se taper la cloche [fam.]to pig out [coll.]
cuis. se taper la cloche [fam.]to feed one's face [coll.]
se taper les cuisses [fam.] [de satisfaction, de rire]to slap one's thighs
se taper un mec [fam.]to have it off with a guy [coll.]
se taper un nana [fam.]to have it off with a girl [coll.]
cuis. se taper une boisson [fam.]to knock back a drink [coll.]
se taper une queue [fig.] [vulg.]to masturbate
se taper une queue [fig.] [vulg.]to jack off [Am.] [vulg.]
se taper une queue [fig.] [vulg.]to play with oneself [fig.] [coll.] [masturbate]
typ. taper à la machineto type
taper à la porteto knock on the door
taper contre le murto knock on the wall
sport taper dans le ballonto have a kick-about [coll.] [play football casually]
taper dans le mille [aussi fig.]to score a bullseye [also fig.]
taper dans le mille [fig.]to hit the nail on the head [idiom]
sport taper dans une balle [lui donner un coup]to kick a ball
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