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French-English translation for: sentir
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Dictionary French English: sentir

Translation 1 - 50 of 153  >>

French English
VERB1   sentir | sens | avoir senti | sentant
VERB2   se sentir | me sens | s'être senti | se sentant
sentir qc.
to feel sth.
sentir (qc.)
to smell (sth.)
sentir [puer]to reek
sentir [puer]to stink
sentir qc.to smack of sth. [e.g. corruption]
arts mus. sentir qc. [apprécier - art, musique]to have a feeling for sth.
sentir qc. [apprécier - difficulté]to appreciate sth.
sentir qc. [avoir une odeur]to smell of sth.
sentir qc. [dégager - odeur, parfum]to give off a smell of sth.
sentir qc. [fam.] [être convaincu par]to be convinced by sth.
sentir qc. [laisser deviner]to savour of sth. [Br.]
sentir qc. [maîtriser - instrument, outil]to have a feel for sth. [master sth.]
sentir qc. [maîtriser - rôle]to feel at ease with sth.
sentir qc. [par le goût]to taste sth.
sentir qc. [une présence]to sense sth.
sentir qn./qc. [avoir l'intuition de]to sense sb./sth. [be aware of]
sentir qn./qc. [avoir l'intuition de]to be aware of sb./sth.
sentir qn./qc. [avoir l'intuition de]to be conscious of sb./sth.
2 Words: Verbs
se sentirto feel
se sentir [être perceptible]to be felt [e.g. effect of sth.]
sentir bonto smell good
sentir fortto feel strong
cuis. sentir l'ailto taste of garlic
sentir mauvaisto hum [coll.] [smell]
sentir mauvaisto smell
sentir mauvais [fig.] [fam.]to look bad
sentir qn. prêtto feel when sb. is ready
sentir riento not feel a thing
sentir venir qn.to see sb. coming
3 Words: Verbs
faire sentir qc. à qn.to show sb. sth.
faire sentir qc. à qn.to make sb. aware of sth.
se faire sentirto become obvious
se faire sentirto make itself felt
se faire sentir [besoin, présence, absence]to be felt
se faire sentir [odeur]to become noticeable [smell]
se faire sentir [personne]to make oneself felt
se sentir abandonnéto feel bereft
se sentir acculéto feel cornered
se sentir agresséto take offence [Br.]
se sentir bafouéto feel humiliated
se sentir ballonnéto feel bloated
se sentir barbouilléto feel queasy
se sentir biento feel good
se sentir biento feel all right
se sentir biento feel at ease
se sentir briméto feel frustrated
se sentir briméto feel hard done by
se sentir concernéto care
se sentir d'attaque [loc.]to feel in top form
méd. se sentir défaillirto feel faint
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