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Dictionary French English: sauce

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NOUN   la sauce | les sauces
NOUN   a sauce | sauces
VERB  to sauce | sauced | sauced ... 
cuis. sauce {f}
cuis. sauce {f}dressing
cuis. sauce {f}gravy
2 Words: Nouns
cuis. sauce {f} aïoliaïoli sauce [garlic mayonnaise]
cuis. sauce {f} américaineAmerican sauce [tomato sauce with lobster butter]
cuis. sauce {f} barbecuebarbecue sauce
cuis. sauce {f} béarnaisebéarnaise sauce
cuis. sauce {f} béchamel [aussi : béchamelle]white sauce [common name for the classic Béchamel Sauce]
cuis. sauce {f} bercyBercy sauce [butter, shallots & white wine]
cuis. sauce {f} bigaradeorange sauce
cuis. sauce {f} blanchewhite sauce
cuis. sauce {f} bolognaiseBolognese sauce
cuis. sauce {f} bordelaisebordelaise sauce [wine sauce with beef marrow]
cuis. sauce {f} bourguignonneBurgundy sauce [red wine sauce]
cuis. sauce {f} brune [type roux bruns]brown gravy
cuis. sauce {f} cardinalecardinal sauce [béchamel sauce plus lobster butter]
cuis. sauce {f} chasseurmushroom and wine sauce
cuis. sauce {f} chien [aussi : sauce créole][speciality sauce from the Antilles (Guadeloupe et Martinique) and Guyana]
cuis. sauce {f} ChoronChoron sauce [Béarnaise sauce with tomato purée]
cuis. sauce {f} ciboulettechive sauce
cuis. sauce {f} crèmecream sauce
cuis. sauce {f} créolecreole sauce
cuis. sauce {f} CumberlandCumberland sauce [spicy fruit sauce]
cuis. sauce {f} diabledevilled sauce [spiced with cayenne pepper]
cuis. sauce {f} forestièrewild mushroom sauce
cuis. sauce {f} froidedipping sauce
cuis. sauce {f} GénevoiseGenevoise sauce [red wine sauce with anchovy butter]
cuis. sauce {f} gingebreginger sauce
cuis. sauce {f} gribichegribiche sauce [a cold egg sauce with mustard and other herbs]
cuis. sauce {f} hollandaisehollandaise (sauce)
cuis. sauce {f} homardlobster sauce
cuis. sauce {f} JoinvilleJoinville sauce [sauce normande plus shrimp & crayfish butter]
cuis. sauce {f} lyonnaiselyonnaise sauce [onion sauce]
cuis. sauce {f} madèremadeira sauce
cuis. sauce {f} maltaiseMaltese sauce [Hollandaise sauce with juice of blood oranges]
cuis. sauce {f} maltaiseMalteser Sauce [Hollandaise sauce with juice of blood oranges]
cuis. sauce {f} marinièremariniere sauce [base of shallots and white wine]
cuis. sauce {f} mayonnaisemayonnaise
cuis. sauce {f} menthemint sauce
cuis. sauce {f} moellemarrow sauce
cuis. sauce {f} MornayMornay sauce [cheese sauce]
cuis. sauce {f} mousselinesauce mousseline [also: sauce Chantilly] [Hollanaise sauce with whipped cream]
cuis. sauce {f} moutardemustard sauce
cuis. sauce {f} nantuaNantua sauce [Béchamel with crayfish butter]
cuis. sauce {f} normandeNormandy sauce [fish stock sauce]
cuis. sauce {f} périgueuxPérigueux sauce [with madeira and truffles]
cuis. sauce {f} persilparsley sauce
cuis. sauce {f} persilléeparsley sauce
cuis. sauce {f} pimentchili sauce
cuis. sauce {f} pimentspicy sauce
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