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French-English translation for: retirer
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Dictionary French English: retirer

Translation 1 - 50 of 50

French English
VERB1   retirer | retire | avoir retiré | retirant
VERB2   se retirer | me retire | s'être retiré | se retirant
NOUN   retirer | retirers
retirer qc.
to remove sth.
retirer qc. [plainte, offre]
to withdraw sth.
dr. retirer qc.to resile sth. [formal]
retirer qc.to take sth. back
retirer qc. [billet, bagages]to collect sth.
retirer qc. [billet, bagages]to pick up sth.
retirer qc. [plainte, offre, etc.]to cancel sth. [revoke, annul] [complaint, offer, etc.]
vêt. retirer qc. [vêtement]to take sth. off
2 Words: Verbs
retirer qc. à qn. [droit, bien, objet]to take sth. away from sb.
retirer qc. à qn. [permission, privilège]to withdraw sth. from sb.
retirer qc. de qc.to remove sth. from sth.
retirer qc. de qc.to take sth. out from sth.
alim. minér. retirer qc. de qc. [minerai, huile]to extract sth. from sth.
retirer qc. rapidementto snatch sth. back
se retirer [eaux de crue]to recede
se retirer [eaux de crue]to subside
se retirer [glacier]to retreat
mil. se retirer [partir]to pull back
se retirer [personne]to step back
se retirer [pour laisser passer]to step aside
3 Words: Verbs
retirer de l'argentto withdraw money
électr. tech. retirer la puceto remove the (micro) chip
fin. monnaie retirer qc. d'un compte [argent]to withdraw sth. from an account
pol. retirer sa candidatureto stand down [Br.]
dr. retirer une plainteto withdraw a complaint
se retirer (de qc.)to poop out (of sth.) [Am.] [coll.] [give up]
pol. se retirer de qc. [affaires, politique]to retire from sth.
se retirer de qc. [territoire, compétition]to withdraw from sth.
4 Words: Verbs
cuis. retirer les entrailles de qc.to remove the innards of sth.
retirer sa confiance à qn.not to trust sb. any more
retirer un avantage de qc.to profit from sth.
mil. se retirer du combatto pull out
se retirer du mondeto withdraw from society
se retirer en provinceto retire to the country
vouloir se retirer de qc. [accord, affaire]to want out of sth. [e.g. a deal]
5+ Words: Verbs
retirer à qn. une épine du pied [aussi fig.]to take a weight off sb.'s shoulders [also fig.]
cuis. retirer le poulet du fourto take the chicken out of the oven
cuis. ichtyo. retirer les arêtes d'un poissonto bone a fish
retirer les mains de ses pochesto take one's hands out of one's pockets
pol. retirer sa candidature en faveur de qn.to stand down in favour of sb. [Br.]
mil. retirer ses troupes d'un paysto withdraw one's troops from a country
cuis. retirer un gâteau d'un mouleto turn a cake out of a pan [Am.]
cuis. retirer un gâteau d'un mouleto turn a cake out of a tin [Br.]
éduc. retirer un livre du programmeto take a book off the syllabus
retirer un mouchoir de sa pocheto pull a handkerchief out of one's pocket
comm. retirer un produit de la venteto recall a product
retirer une épine du pied à qn. [loc.]to get sb. out of a tight spot [idiom]
retirer une épine du pied à qn. [loc.]to get sb. out of a tricky situation [idiom]
mil. se retirer dans le désordreto retreat in disorder
mil. se retirer sur ses arrièresto retreat
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