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French-English translation for: remonter
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Dictionary French English: remonter

Translation 1 - 48 of 48

French English
VERB   remonter | remonte | avoir/être remonté | remontant
remonter [mer]to come in again
remonter [oiseau]to fly up again
remonter [température]to rise again
remonter (qc.)to go back up (sth.)
remonter (qc.)  vélo, en véhicule]to drive back up (sth.)
horl. remonter qc.to wind sth. up
remonter qc. [chaussettes]to pull sth. up
remonter qc. [col]to turn sth. up
remonter qc. [escalier]to climb back up sth.
remonter qc. [fleuve, canal]to sail back up sth.
remonter qc. [jupe, pantalon]to hitch sth. up
remonter qc. [manches]to roll sth. up
remonter qc. [moteur, machine]to reassemble sth.
remonter qc. [pièce, spectacle]to revive sth.
remonter qc. [remettre en haut]to put sth. back up
remonter qc. [rue]to go up sth.
remonter qn.to cheer sb. up
remonter qn./qc.  l'étage]to take sb./sth. back upstairs
2 Words: Verbs
remonter à qc. [dans le passé]to date from sth.
remonter qn./qc. à qc. [en haut]to take sb./sth. back up to sth.
remonter qn./qc. de qc. [d'en bas]to bring sb./sth. back up from sth.
3 Words: Verbs
remonter la penteto get back on one's feet [idiom]
naut. remonter le courantto sail against the current
remonter le courant [fig.] [personne, entreprise]to get back on one's feet [fig.]
ichtyo. remonter le courant [saumon]to swim upstream
dr. remonter une filièreto trace a network back to its ringleaders
4 Words: Verbs
fin. faire remonter les coursto put prices up again
remonter à la surface [aussi fig.]to resurface [also fig.]
remonter dans le tempsto go back in time
remonter dans son litto get back into bed
remonter le moral à qn.to bolster sb.'s morale
remonter le moral à qn.to raise sb.'s morale
remonter vers le hautto glide upward
5+ Words: Verbs
faire remonter les bretelles de qn. [fam.] [loc.]to give sb. an earful [coll.] [idiom]
remonter au dix-septième siècleto date from the seventeenth century
remonter de deux ans en arrièreto go back two years
remonter de l'effet à la causeto work back from effect to cause
bicyc. remonter la colline à bicycletteto cycle back up the hill
remonter la fermeture éclair de qc.to zip sth. up
remonter le cours d'une rivièreto go up a river
remonter le moral de qnto raise sb.'s spirits
remonter le temps par l'imaginationto go back in time in one's imagination
remonter le temps par la penséeto go back in time in one's imagination
remonter les bouteilles de la caveto bring the bottles back up from the cellar
remonter les valises au grenierto take the suitcases back up to the attic
remonter un seau d'un puitsto pull a bucket up from a well
remonter une rivière en canoëto canoe up a river
se faire remonter les bretelles [fam.] [loc.]to get an earful [coll.] [idiom]
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