| French | English | |
| – |
| quel {adj} | 10 which | |
| quel {adj} | 8 what | |
2 Words: Others |
| n'importe quel {pron} {adj} | any [whichever, no matter which] | |
| tel quel {adv} | as is | |
| tel quel {adv} | as it is / was | |
3 Words: Others |
| À quel moment ? | When? | |
| à quel point {adv} | how far | |
| à quel point {adv} | how much | |
| à quel point {adv} | to what degree | |
| à quel point {adv} | to what extent | |
| Quel blaireau ! [fam.] | What a dork! [sl.] | |
| Quel désordre ! | What a mess! | |
| Quel dommage ! | What a pity! | |
| Quel dommage ! | What a shame! | |
| Quel ennui ! | What a bore! | |
| Quel gâchis ! [fam.] | What a waste! | |
| Quel gâchis ! [fam.] | What a fuck-up! [coll.] [vulg.] | |
| Quel gaspillage ! | What a waste! | |
| Quel mollasson ! [fam.] [péj.] | He's so slow! | |
| Quel que soit ... | No matter what ... | |
| Quel soulagement ! | That's a relief! | |
| Quel toupet ! [fam.] | What a cheek! [coll.] | |
| ling. Quel vocabulaire ! [péj] | What sort of language is that (to use)! | |
4 Words: Others |
| à n'importe quel âge {adv} | at any age | |
| à n'importe quel moment {adv} | at any time | |
| à vendre tel quel {adv} [pour un objet d'occasion] | sold as is [Am.] [used object] | |
| à vendre tel quel {adv} [sur objet d'occasion] | sold as seen [Br.] [on an object in a sale] | |
| C'est à quel sujet ? | What is it about? | |
| C'est quel jour (aujourd'hui) ? | What day is it today? | |
| C'est quel jour aujourd'hui ? | What day is it today? | |
| par n'importe quel moyen {adv} | by hook or by crook [idiom] | |
| quel / quelle qu'il soit | whatever it may be | |
| Quel âge as-tu ? [fam.] | How old are you? | |
| Quel air avait-il ? | How did he seem? | |
| Quel est ton nom ? | What's your name? | |
| Quel heureux hasard ! [coïncidence] | What a fantastic coincidence ! | |
| Quel heureux hasard ! [incident imprévu] | What a piece of good fortune! | |
| Quel heureux hasard ! [incident imprévu] | What a stroke of luck! | |
| Quel jour sommes-nous ? | What's today's date? | |
| Quel jour sommes-nous ? | What date is it today? | |
| Quel jour sommes-nous ? | What is the date today? | |
| occup. Quel métier faites-vous ? | What's your job? | |
| occup. Quel métier faites-vous ? | What is your job? | |
| météo. Quel temps fait-il ? | How's the weather? | |
| Quel temps fait-il ? | What's the weather like? | |
| météo. Quel temps fait-il ? | What is the weather like? | |
| météo. Quel temps pourri ! | What rotten weather! | |
| Tu as quel âge ? [fam.] | How old are you? | |
5+ Words: Others |
| ..., mais pas à n'importe quel prix. [aussi fig.] | ,,,, not at just any price. [also fig.] | |
| Ça dépend de quel point de vue on se place. | It depends on your point of view. | |
| De quel côté allez-vous ? | Which way are you going? | |
| comm. fin. De quel ordre de grandeur ? [somme] | How much approximately? | |
| Prenez n'importe quel livre. Ils sont tous bons. | Take any book. They're all good. | |
| Quel est l'air de la chanson ? | How does the song go? | |
| Quel est le fond de ta pensée ? | What do you really think? | |
| Quel est le fond du problème ? | What is the problem exactly? | |
| VocVoy. Quel est le tarif pour envoyer une lettre en France ? | How much is a letter to France? | |
| Quel jour sommes-nous aujourd'hui ? | What day is it today? | |
| Quel qu'il soit, je l'accueillerai. | Whoever he is, I'll let him in. | |
| Quel qu'il soit, je l'accueillerai. | Whoever he is, I'll welcome him. | |
| Quel que soit le prix, ça n'a pas d'importance. | Whatever it costs it doesn't matter. | |
| Quel que soit le prix, je l'achèterai. | Whatever the price (may be), I'll buy it. | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| ne pas savoir par quel bout prendre qn. [loc.] | to not know how to handle sb. [idiom] | |
| ne pas savoir sur quel pied danser [loc.] [être déboussolé] | to not know where you stand [idiom] [be unsure of the situation] | |
| ne plus savoir à quel saint se vouer [loc.] | to be completely at a loss [idiom] | |
| savoir quel bout de prendre qc. [loc.] | to know how to tackle sth. [idiom] | |
| savoir quel bout de prendre qn. [loc.] | to know how to handle sb. [idiom] | |
| voir de quel côté vient le vent [loc.] | to see which way the wind blows [idiom] | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| littérat. philos. F Quel effet cela fait-il d'être une chauve-souris ? | What Is It Like to Be a Bat? [Thomas Nagel (1974)] | |