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French-English translation for: penser
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Dictionary French English: penser

Translation 1 - 67 of 67

French English
VERB   penser | pense | avoir pensé | pensant
penser (qc.)
to think (sth.)
penser [que +conj.]
to reckon [think, guess]
penser [réfléchir]to ponder
penser qc. [comprendre]to imagine sth.
penser qc. [comprendre]to realize sth.
penser qc. [concevoir]to think sth. out [plan]
penser qc. [concevoir]to think sth. through [plan]
penser qc. [croire]to assume sth.
penser qc. [croire]to suppose sth.
penser qc. [se rappeler]to remember sth.
2 Words: Verbs
penser à qn./qc.to think about sb./sth.
penser à qn./qc.to think of sb./sth.
penser à qn./qc. [se préoccuper de]to care about sb./sth. [think about]
penser autrementto think differently
penser autrementto think outside the box [idiom]
penser de qn./qc.to think about sb./sth.
penser de qn./qc.to think of sb./sth.
penser faire qc.to intend to do sth.
penser faire qc.to be thinking of doing sth.
penser qc. de qn./qc.to think sth. about sb./sth.
penser qc. de qn./qc.to think sth. of sb./sth.
penser qn. intelligentto consider sb. intelligent
penser queto figure that [Am.] [coll.] [reckon]
3 Words: Others
sans y penser {adv}casually
sans y penser {adv}without thinking
3 Words: Verbs
donner à penserto make one think
donner à penserto start one thinking
faire penser à qn./qc.to commemorate sb./sth.
faire penser à qn./qc.to be reminiscent of sb./sth.
faire penser qn. à qn./qc.to remind sb. of sb./sth.
laisser à penserto make one think
laisser à penserto start one thinking
penser à faire qc.to see about doing sth.
penser tout hautto think aloud
penser tout hautto think out loud
s'interdire de penserto stop oneself from thinking
3 Words: Nouns
façon {f} de pensermind [way of thinking]
psych. façon {f} de pensermindset
biol. faculté {f} de penserrationalness
biol. faculté {f} de penserintellectual capacity
biol. faculté {f} de penserintellectual power
biol. faculté {f} de penserreasoning power
biol. faculté {f} de penserability to think
biol. faculté {f} de pensercapacity for thought
biol. faculté {f} de penserfaculty of thought
manière {f} de pensermindset
manière {f} de pensermind-set
manière {f} de penserline of thinking
manière {f} de penserway of thinking
manière {f} de penserway of thought [way of thinking]
matière {f} à penserfood for thought
4 Words: Others
sans penser à mal {adv}without meaning any harm
4 Words: Verbs
dire qc. sans y penserto say sth. without thinking
laisser à penser que ...to let it be thought that ...
n'en penser pas moinsto draw one's own conclusions
penser du bien de qn./qc. [loc.]to think much of sb./sth. [idiom]
5+ Words: Others
Ceci m'incline à penser que ...This leads me to think that ...
Cela me fait penser que ...That reminds me that ...
Il me fait penser à mon père.He reminds me of my father.
Il ne faut pas penser qu'à soi.One shouldn't think only of oneself.
J'étais loin de penser que ...Little did I think that ...
Je viens juste de penser à un truc.I've just thought of something.
5+ Words: Verbs
dire à qn. sa façon de penserto give sb. a piece of one's mind [idiom]
ne pas savoir que penser de qn. [loc.]to not be able to figure sb. out [idiom]
ne penser qu'à ses propres intérêts [péj.]to look after number one [pej.] [idiom]
penser avoir raté sa vieto feel a failure
penser le plus grand bien de qn./qc.to think of highly of sb./sth.
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