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French-English translation for: passer
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Dictionary French English: passer

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VERB1   passer | passe | avoir [vieilli]/être passé | passant
VERB2   se passer | me passe | s'être passé | se passant
NOUN   a passer | passers
SYNO   passer | passer-by | passerby ... 
passer (qc.)
to pass (sth.)
passerto run [road, railway, railroad, boundary]
fin. RadioTV passerto be on
film passerto be showing
passerto stop by
cuis. passer [aliment, repas]to go down [food]
passer [aller au-delà]to get through
passer [attitude, pensée, doctrine]to be accepted
passer [commentaires, discours, critiques]to go down well [speech]
passer [parcourir son chemin]to go past
passer [se rendre]to go [visit, attend]
passer [temps]to go by [time]
passer [transiter]to go through
film RadioTV théâtre passer [un film]to be playing
dr. passer qc. [accord]to enter into sth. [agreement]
cuis. passer qc. [café]to filter sth.
dr. passer qc. [contrat]to sign sth. [contract]
passer qc. [dépasser]to pass sth. [go past]
passer qc. [dépasser]to go past sth.
audio mus. passer qc. [disque, cassette audio]to play sth.
passer qc. [donner]to pass sth. [give, hand over]
passer qc. [examen]to sit sth. [exam]
passer qc. [examen]to take sth. [exam]
passer qc. [fleuve, pont, frontière, col]to cross sth.
cuis. passer qc. [jus de fruit, sauce]to strain sth.
cuis. passer qc. [légumes]to purée sth.
passer qc. [mot, page, paragraphe]to skip sth. [e.g. while reading sth.]
passer qc. [obstacle]to get over sth.
passer qc. [porte, douane]to go through sth.
vêt. passer qc. [robe]to slip into sth.
vêt. passer qc. [vêtement, anneau]to slip sth. on
2 Words: Verbs
faire passer qc.to pass sth. on
faire passer qc. [accord]to push sth. through
cuis. faire passer qc. [café]to filter sth.
faire passer qc. [interview]to hold sth.
faire passer qc. [réforme]to put sth. through
laisser passer qc. [délibérément]to overlook sth.
laisser passer qc. [délibérément]to let sth. pass
laisser passer qc. [occasion, date]to miss out on sth.
laisser passer qc. [par inadvertance]to let sth. slip through
laisser passer qn.to let sb. in
laisser passer qn.to let sb. through
laisser passer qn.to let sb. go first
passer à qc. [banque]to call at sth.
pol. passer à qc. [partie]to cross over to sth
passer à qc. [prochain sujet]to proceed to sth.
passer à qc. [prochain sujet]to segue into sth.
passer à qc. [prochain sujet]to switch to sth.
passer à qc. [prochain sujet]to transition to sth.
passer à qc. [prochain sujet]to move on to sth.
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