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French-English translation for: parler
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Dictionary French English: parler

Translation 1 - 50 of 97  >>

French English
NOUN   le parler | les parlers
VERB   parler | parle | avoir parlé | parlant
parler (qc.)
to speak (sth.)
parler (qc.)
to talk (sth.)
parler {m} [la manière de parler]mode of speaking
parler {m} [la manière de parler]way of speaking
2 Words: Verbs
écouter qn. parlerto listen to sb. talking
entendre parler qc.to learn about sth. [be told]
parler à qn.to speak to sb.
parler à qn.to talk to sb.
parler affairesto talk business
parler boulot [fam.]to talk shop [coll.]
parler boutique [fam.]to talk shop [coll.]
parler d'abondance [littéraire] [loc.]to speak at great length
parler de qc.to speak about sth.
parler francto be perfectly frank
parler franchementto speak up [be frank]
parler hargneusementto snap [say quickly and irritably]
ling. parler populairementto speak commonly
s'écouter parlerto like the sound of one's own voice
2 Words: Nouns
franc-parler {m}outspokenness
parler {m} individuelpersonal way of speaking
3 Words: Others
à proprement parler {adv}actually
à proprement parler {adv}strictly speaking
à proprement parler {adv}to be precise
à proprement parler {adv}in the strict sense
sans parler de ...let alone ...
3 Words: Verbs
dédaigner de parlerto deign not to speak
parler avec abandonto talk freely
parler avec abandonto talk without restraint
parler avec éloquenceto speak eloquently
parler avec emphaseto speak grandiloquently
parler avec simplicitéto speak plainly
parler du nezto speak through one's nose
parler du nezto speak with a nasal twang
parler en l'airto speculate
parler franchement à qn. [loc.]to be straight with sb. [idiom]
parler franchement à qn. [loc.]to come clean with sb. [idiom]
parler franchement à qn. [loc.]to tell sb. the plain truth [idiom]
parler hargneusement à qn.to snap at sb. [say quickly and irritably]
ling. parler parfaitement françaisto speak perfect French
parler plus fortto speak up [louder]
parler plus fortto raise one's voice
parler pour parler [loc.]to talk for the sake of talking [idiom]
parler sans cesseto rabbit on [idiom]
parler sans emphaseto speak without affectation
parler sans notesto speak without notes
parler sans réfléchirto speak without thinking
3 Words: Nouns
façon {f} de parlerway of speaking
manière {f} de parlerway of speaking
4 Words: Others
Veuillez parler plus lentement.Please speak more slowly.
4 Words: Verbs
brûler de parler à qn. [loc.]to be dying to talk to sb. [idiom]
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