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French-English translation for: noir
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Dictionary French English: noir

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ADJ   noir | noire | noirs | noires
NOUN   le Noir | les Noirs
ADJ   noir | more noir | most noir
NOUN   noir | noirs
noir {adj}
noir {adj} [bronzé]brown [suntanned]
noir {adj} [obscure]dark [sinister]
noir {m}black
noir {m}dark
ethn. Noir {m} [personne]Black [person]
2 Words: Others
fin. au noir {adj}undeclared [in respect of tax]
fin. au noir {adj}off the books [postpos.]
fin. au noir {adj}under the table [coll.] [postpos.]
arts bleu-noir {adj}blue/black [color code]
complètement noir {adj} [pièce]completely dark
arts noir d'encre {adj}inky-black
noir profond {adj}ebony
noir profond {adj}deep black
noir profond {adj}inky black
2 Words: Nouns
ethn. Africain {m} noir [très rare]black African
fin. argent {m} noirblack money [illegal money]
fin. argent {m} noirillegal money
cuis. beurre {m} noirblack butter
blé {m} noir [sarrasin]buckwheat
mus. blouson {m} noir[young fan of rock-and-roll in the 1960's]
blouson {m} noirgreaser [Am.]
blouson {m} noirrocker [Br.]
cuis. boudin {m} (noir)black pudding [Br.] [blood sausage]
cuis. café {m} noirblack coffee
journ. sociol. carnet {m} noir [annonce de décès]obituary [notice in a paper]
stat. chiffre {m} noir(estimated) number of undetected cases
stat. chiffre {m} noir(estimated) number of unrecorded cases
stat. chiffre {m} noir(estimated) number of unreported cases
cuis. chocolat {m} noirdark chocolate
cuis. chocolat {m} noirplain chocolate
dr. sociol. Code {m} noirCode noir [decree passed by King Louis XIV of France in 1685 defining the conditions of slavery in the French colonial empire]
astron. phys. corps {m} noirblack body
arts crayon {m} noir [belge]lead pencil
géol. fumeur {m} noirblack smoker
météo. gel {m} noirblack frost
agr. bot. œnol. grenache {m} (noir) [cépage noir]Grenache [red wine grape variety] [also: Garnacha]
humour {m} noirblack comedy
humour {m} noirblack humor [Am.]
humour {m} noirblack humour [Br.]
humour {m} noirdark humor [Am.]
humour {m} noirdark humour [Br.]
humour {m} noirgallows humor [Am.]
humour {m} noirgallows humour [Br.]
humour {m} noirgrim sense of humor [Am.]
humour {m} noirgrim sense of humour [Br.]
humour {m} noirmorbid sense of humor [Am.]
humour {m} noirmorbid sense of humour [Br.]
cuis. ichtyo. lieu {m} noir [Pollachius virens] [aussi : colin (noir)]coley [Br.] [also: coalfish]
cuis. ichtyo. lieu {m} noir [Pollachius virens] [aussi : colin (noir)]saithe [Br.]
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