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French-English translation for: mettre
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Dictionary French English: mettre

Translation 1 - 50 of 981  >>

French English
VERB1   mettre | mets | avoir mis | mettant
VERB2   se mettre | me mets | s'être mis | se mettant
mettre qc.
to put sth.
mettre qc.to put sth. on [clothes, cosmetics etc.]
cosm. vêt. mettre qc. [maquillage, vêtements]to put on sth. [makeup, clothes]
2 Words: Verbs
zool. mettre (qc.) bas [loc.]to whelp (sth.)
mettre qc. dans qc.to slot sth. into sth.
mettre qc. dessousto put sth. under
fin. mettre qc. sur qc. [compte]to charge sth. to sth.
fin. mettre qc. sur qc. [compte]to put sth. down to sth.
mettre qn. dedans [fam.] [loc.] [le tromper]to confuse sb.
dr. mettre qn. dedans [loc.] [en prison]to put sb. inside [sl.] [idiom] [jail, prison]
occup. mettre qn. dehorsto sack sb.
mettre qn. dehorsto kick sb. out [coll.]
s'y mettreto buckle to [get cracking]
s'y mettreto get busy
s'y mettreto get cracking
s'y mettreto get in on the act
s'y mettre  une activité nouvelle]to have a try
s'y mettre [au travail]to get down to it
se mettre [dans une position, un endroit - chose]to go [e.g. where do the cups go?]
3 Words: Verbs
(re)mettre qc. à plat [comptes, activité]to review sth. from scratch
en mettre partoutto get it everywhere
mettre à jour qc.to bring sth. up to date
mettre au netto make a neat copy
pol. mettre au pas qn./qc. [presse, partis]to bring sb./sth. into line
mettre au pas qn./qc. [soumettre]to subject sb./sth.
mettre au pas qn./qc. [soumettre]to subjugate sb./sth.
mettre de l'animationto liven things up
hort. mettre du gazonto sod sth. [to lay turf]
mettre en circulationto circulate
mettre en gardeto caution
naut. mettre en panneto heave to
mettre en serviceto bring on stream [into operation]
transp. mettre en serviceto put into service [bus, train etc.]
mettre en serviceto take into operation
littérat. mettre en versto put into verse
typ. mettre entre crochetsto put sth. in square brackets
mettre fin à qc.to terminate sth.
mettre fin à qc.to bring sth. to a close
mettre fin à qc.to bring sth. to an end
mettre fin à qc. [loc.]to put an end to sth. [idiom]
mettre l'accent sur qc.to put the emphasis on sth.
mettre l'accent sur qc. [accentuer]to stress sth. [accentuate]
mettre la confusionto create confusion
mettre la pression [fig.]to turn on the pressure [fig.]
cuis. mettre la tableto lay the table
mettre la tableto set the table
auto mettre le contactto switch on the ignition
cuis. mettre le couvert [loc.]to lay the table [Br.] [idiom]
cuis. mettre le couvert [loc.]to set the table [idiom]
mettre le loquetto shoot the bolt [on a gate]
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