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French-English translation for: large-scale
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Dictionary French English: large scale

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large {adj}broad [wide]
large {adj}wide
vêt. large {adj} [ample]baggy
large {adj} [sourire]cheesy [coll.] [grin]
large {adj} [victoire]emphatic [win: clear, decisive]
de large {adv}in width
plus large {adj} {adv}wider
ratisser largeto cast one's net wide
large {adj} [étagère, rebord]deep [thick shelf, ledge]
large d'esprit {adj}approachable
large d'esprit {adj}open [with an open mind]
large d'esprit {adj}open-minded
large d'esprit {adj}outgoing
large d'esprit {adj}receptive
à large spectre {adj}broad-spectrum
à large spectre {adj}wide-spectrum
film photo. en plan large {adj}in the long shot
naut. gagner le largeto reach the open sea
naut. partir au largeto go offshore
naut. prendre le largeto sail
naut. tirer au largeto make for the open sea
géogr. île {f} au largeoffshore island
géogr. grand large {m} [haute mer]open sea
avoir l'esprit largeto be broad-minded
être au large [loc.]to have plenty of room
prendre le large [loc.]to make oneself scarce [idiom]
naut. prendre le large [loc.]to put to sea [idiom]
géogr. naut. au large des Canaries {adv}off the coast of the Canaries
géogr. naut. au large des côtes {adv}off the coast
dans une large mesure {adv}in large measure
de long en large {adv}back and forth
naut. dériver vers le largeto drift out to sea
RadioTV drainer une large audienceto draw a wide audience
recueillir un large consensusto gain widespread backing
pharm. antibiotique {m} à large spectrebroad-spectrum antibiotic
naut. au large {adv} [de la mer]on the high sea
naut. au large {adv} [de la mer]on the open sea
mettre qn./qc. au largeto leave room for sb./sth.
mettre qn./qc. au largeto leave space for sb./sth.
géogr. naut. au large de l'Écosse {adv}off the coast of Scotland
anat. être très large d'épaulesto be very broad across the shoulders
marcher de long en largeto pace up and down
au large de {adv} [+indication de lieu]at the level of [place name]
naut. être au large du Cap Finisterreto be off Cape Finisterre
faire 3 mètres de large [pièce]to be 3 meters across [Am.] [room]
faire 3 mètres de large [pièce]to be 3 metres across [Br.] [room]
mener une vie plus large [loc.]to lead a fuller life [idiom]
orn. T
en long, en large et en travers {adv}at considerable length
en long, en large et en travers {adv}from every conceivable angle
en long, en large et en travers {adv}in the minutest detail
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