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French-English translation for: laisser
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Dictionary French English: laisser

Translation 1 - 50 of 311  >>

French English
VERB   laisser | laisse | avoir laissé | laissant
laisser qc.to leave sth. (behind)
2 Words: Verbs
laisser (tomber) qc.to let sth. be [leave as is]
laisser apercevoir qc.to reveal sth.
laisser augurer qc.to imply sth. [lead to conclusion]
laisser choir qn./qc. [aussi fig.]to ditch sb./sth. [also fig.]
laisser choir qn./qc. [aussi fig.]to drop sb./sth. [also fig.]
laisser courir [fam.]to let things ride [coll.]
inform. tech. laisser courir qc. [fam.]to leave sth. on [device, machine, etc.]
laisser courir qc. [fam.]to let sth. slide [idiom]
laisser courir qc. [fam.]to pay out sth. [fishing line, cable]
chim. laisser décanter qc. [sédiment]to allow sth. to separate
laisser échapper qc.to blurt sth. out
laisser échapper qc. [ballon, etc.]to fumble sth. [ball etc.]
laisser échapper qc. [contenu]to spill sth. out
laisser échapper qc. [crie]to let sth. out
laisser échapper qc. [occasion]to miss out on sth. [opportunity]
laisser entendre qc.to intimate sth.
laisser entendre qc.to hint at sth.
laisser entrer qn. [visiteur]to admit sb. [let sb. in]
laisser entrer qn./qc. [visiteur, lumière etc.]to let sb./sth. in [visitor, light etc.]
laisser entrevoir qc. [signe, résultat]to point to sth
laisser faire qc.to let sth. happen
laisser faner qc. [beauté]to let sth. wither [beauty]
laisser filer qn. [fam.]to let sb. off the hook [fig.]
écon. fin. monnaie laisser flotter qc. [monnaie]to float sth. [currency]
cuis. laisser frémir qc. [liquide]to simmer sth.
laisser fusiller qn.to have sb. shot [executed]
laisser indifférentto be uninspiring
laisser mariner qn. [fig.] [fam.] [laisser attendre]to let sb. stew [fig.] [coll.] [let sb. wait]
cuis. laisser mijoter qc.to let sth. simmer
cuis. laisser mitonner qc.to let sth. simmer
laisser partir qn.to let sb. go
laisser passer qc. [délibérément]to overlook sth.
laisser passer qc. [délibérément]to let sth. pass
laisser passer qc. [occasion, date]to miss out on sth.
laisser passer qc. [par inadvertance]to let sth. slip through
laisser passer qn.to let sb. in
laisser passer qn.to let sb. through
laisser passer qn.to let sb. go first
laisser pendre qc.to dangle sth.
comm. dr. laisser périmer qc. [brevet]to allow sth. to lapse [patent]
laisser pousser qc. [cheveux]to let sth. grow
cuis. laisser pousser qc. [pâte]to let sth. rise [dough]
laisser présager qc.to indicate sth.
laisser présager qc.to suggest sth.
laisser présager qc.to be indicative of sth.
cuis. laisser qc. (s')égoutterto leave sth. to drain
laisser qc. à qn.to leave sb. sth.
laisser qn. faire qc.to let sb. do sth.
laisser qn. froidto leave sb. cold
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