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French-English translation for: jusque-là
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Dictionary French English: jusque là

Translation 1 - 50 of 6680  >>

jusque- {adv}till then
jusque- {adv}until then
jusque- {adv}up to that point (in time)
jusque- {adv}up to that time
jusque- {adv}up to then
Keywords contained
cuis. s'en fourrer jusque-to stuff oneself [coll.]
J'en ai jusque . [loc.]I've had it up to here. [idiom]
en avoir jusque- de faire qc. [loc.]to be sick-and-tired of doing sth. [idiom]
Partial Matches
jusque {prep} {conj}until
jusque dans les moindres détails {adv}through to the minutest details
ébranler qc. jusque dans ses fondementsto shake sth. to the very foundations [idiom]
faire trembler qc. jusque dans ses fondationsto rock sth. to its foundations
faire trembler qc. jusque dans ses fondationsto shake sth. to its foundations
pousser qn. (jusque) dans ses derniers retranchements [fig.]to drive sb. into a corner [fig.]
C'est que gît la difficulté. [loc.]That's the crux of the matter. [idiom]
arts relig. Unesco trésor {m} de la cathédrale d'Aix-la-ChapelleAachen Cathedral Treasury
Toute la difficulté est .Therein lies the difficulty.
gît la difficulté.There lies the difficulty.
la {pron}her [direct]
mus. la {m}A
chim. lanthane {m} <La>lanthanum <La>
à la {prep}at (the)
celle- {pron}that one [referring to grammatically feminine object or person]
celles- {pron}those
celui- {pron}that one
celui- {pron}the former
ceux- {pron}those
de {adv}hence
mus. la {m} bémolA flat
la moitié {pron}half
la nuit {adv}at night
la nuit {adv}nightly [by / at night - later than evening]
la veillethe day before
-bas {adv}down there
-bas {adv}over there
-bas {adv}there
-bas {adv}thither [archaic or formal] [to there, situated over there]
-bas {adv}yonder [archaic or dialect] [over there]
-dedans {adv}in there
-dehors {adv}out there
-derrière {adv}over there
-dessous {adv}under there
-dessous {adv}underneath
-dessus {adv}after that
-dessus {adv}as a result
-dessus {adv}on that point [idiom]
-dessus {adv}on there
-dessus {adv}subsequently
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