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French-English translation for: histoire
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Dictionary French English: histoire

Translation 1 - 50 of 92  >>

French English
NOUN   l'histoire | les histoires
histoire {f}
histoire {f}
2 Words: Others
L'histoire jugera.History will judge.
2 Words: Verbs
éduc. enseigner l'histoireto teach history
éduc. hist. étudier l'histoireto study history
2 Words: Nouns
éduc. agrégation {f} d'histoireaggregation in history
éduc. hist. histoire {f} chronologiquechronological history
hist. histoire {f} contemporainecontemporary history
sociol. histoire {f} d'amourromance [love affair]
sociol. histoire {f} d'amourlove affair
littérat. histoire {f} d'amourlove story
histoire {f} inattenduesurprising story
histoire {f} inattendueunexpected story
méd. histoire {f} médicalemedical history
hist. sci. histoire {f} médiévalemedieval history
hist. histoire {f} mondialeworld history
biol. sci. histoire {f} naturellenatural history
hist. pol. sci. histoire {f} politiquepolitical history
bible hist. relig. histoire {f} saintebiblical history
bible hist. relig. histoire {f} saintesacred history
hist. sociol. histoire {f} socialesocial history
éduc. hist. histoire {f} structurellestructural history
éduc. hist. histoire {f} thématiquehistory organised by subject [Br.]
éduc. hist. histoire {f} thématiquehistory organized by subject [Am.]
hist. sci. histoire {f} universellehuman history
hist. sci. histoire {f} universelleworld history
histoire {f} vécueauthentic history
histoire {f} vécuetrue story
éduc. histoire-géo {f} [matière scolaire]history and geography
éduc. hist. occup. professeur {f} d'histoirehistory teacher [female]
éduc. hist. occup. professeur {m} d'histoirehistory teacher
3 Words: Others
à travers l'histoire {adv}throughout history
hist. calé en histoire {adj} {past-p} [fig.] [fam.]well versed in history
3 Words: Verbs
dévider une histoire [fam.]to reel off a story [coll.]
entrer dans l'histoireto go down in history
rester dans l'histoire [loc.]to go down in history [idiom]
3 Words: Nouns
hist. aléas {m.pl} de l'histoirevagaries of history
hist. bizarrerie {f} de l'Histoirestrange turn of history
hist. sci. érudition {f} en histoirehistorical scholarship
arts hist. sci. histoire {f} de l'artart history
arts hist. sci. histoire {f} de l'arthistory of art
écon. hist. sci. histoire {f} de l'économieeconomic history
hist. sci. histoire {f} de l'humanitéhuman history
hist. sci. histoire {f} de l'humanitéworld history
relig. histoire {f} de NoëlChristmas story
relig. histoire {f} de Noëlnativity story
arts éduc. sociol. histoire {f} des médiasmedia history
géol. météo. histoire {f} du climatclimate history
géol. météo. histoire {f} du climatclimatic history
hist. sci. histoire {f} du mondehuman history
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