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French-English translation for: guard\'s
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Dictionary French English: guard 's

Translation 1 - 50 of 6574  >>

trains fourgon {m} de queueguard's van
Keywords contained
relâcher sa vigilanceto lower one's guard [fig.]
être aux aguets [loc.] [se méfier]to be on one's guard
être sur ses gardesto be on one's guard
se tenir sur ses gardesto be on one's guard
être sur le qui-vive [loc.]to keep one's guard up
être hors de ses gardes [loc.]to be off one's guard [idiom]
Partial Matches
garde {m}guard
occup. gardien {m}guard
garder qc. [surveiller]to guard sth.
sport arrière {m} [au basket]guard [basketball]
occup. trains chef {m} de trainguard [Br.]
occup. gardienne {f}guard [female]
occup. factionnaire {m} [garde]guard [sentry]
non préparé {adj}off-guard
En garde !On guard!
mil. monter la garde [soldat]to mount guard
mil. faire la sentinelleto stand guard
occup. garde-frontière {m}border guard
bicyc. carter {m} de chaînechain guard
occup. garde {m} du littoralcoast-guard
mil. naut. PoSauv. garde-côtes {f}coast-guard
chien {m} de gardeguard dog
mil. faction {f}guard duty
dent. sport protège-dents {m}gum guard
mil. arrière-garde {f}rear guard
occup. agent {m} de sécuritésecurity guard
fin. occup. convoyeur {m} de fondssecurity guard
occup. gardien {m} [de locaux]security guard
occup. vigile {m} [garde]security guard
sport jambière {f} [protège-tibia]shin guard
sport protège-tibia {m}shin guard
hist. mil. garde {f} varangienne [aussi : garde varègue] [corps d'élite de l'armée byzantine formé de mercenaires d'abord scandinaves]Varangian Guard
surveiller qn. [prisonniers]to guard sb. [prisoners]
sport arrière {f} [au basket]guard [basketball] [female]
occup. garde-frontière {f}border guard [female]
agr. zool. barrière {f} canadiennecattle guard [Am.]
agr. bovi-stop {m} [bovistop] [suisse] [passage canadien]cattle guard [Am.]
agr. trafic bovis stop {m} [suisse] [passage canadien]cattle guard [Am.]
agr. zool. bovis-stop {m} [suisse] [passage canadien] [aussi : bovis stop]cattle guard [Am.]
agr. bovistop {m} [suisse] [passage canadien] [aussi : bovi-stop]cattle guard [Am.]
agr. trafic passage {m} canadiencattle guard [Am.]
trafic glissière {f} de sécuritéguard rail [Am.]
hist. mil. garde {f} impérialeImperial Guard [regiment]
mil. relig. garde {f} pontificalepapal guard [regiment]
dr. occup. surveillant {m} de prisonprison guard [Am.]
occup. trains garde-voie {m}railroad guard [Am.]
mil. garde {f} républicaineRepublican Guard [regiment]
occup. agente {f} de sécuritésecurity guard [female]
fin. occup. convoyeuse {f} de fondssecurity guard [female]
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