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French-English translation for: gros
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Dictionary French English: gros

Translation 1 - 50 of 147  >>

French English
ADJ   gros | grosse | gros | grosses
NOUN   le gros | les gros
gros {adj}
gros {adj}
gros {adj}
overweight [obese]
gros {adj}large
gros {adj}thick
gros {m}fat man
2 Words: Others
en gros {adv}overall
en gros {adv}generally speaking
en gros {adv}on balance
en gros {adv}roughly speaking
en gros {adv}all things considered [idiom]
en gros {adv}in the main
en gros {adv}on the whole [idiom]
en gros {adv}for the most part [idiom]
en gros {adv}to all intents and purposes [idiom]
en gros {adv} [loc.]by and large [idiom]
2 Words: Verbs
cuis. hacher qc. grosto chop sth. coarsely
fin. jeux jouer grosto gamble for high stakes
fin. rapporter grosto pay handsomely
comm. rapporter grosto be big business
dr. risquer grosto face a heavy sentence
risquer grosto take a major risk
2 Words: Nouns
(gros) patapouf {m} [fam.] [péj.]fatty [coll.] [pej.] [overweight person]
journ. gros {m} titreheadline
gros baiser {m}smack [kiss]
gros bonnet {m} [fam.] [fig.]bigwig [coll.]
chasse gros gibier {m}big game
cuis. gros gourmand {m} [fam.]gourmand [gourmet]
ind. occup. gros industriel {m}industrial baron
ind. occup. gros industriel {m}big-time industrialist
anat. gros intestin {m}large bowel
anat. gros intestin {m}large intestine
gros lard {m} [fam.] [péj.]chunk [coll.] [pej.] [fig.] [fat man]
gros lard {m} [fam.] [péj.]porker [coll.] [pej.] [fat person]
gros malin {m} [fam.]clever clogs [coll.]
gros malin {m} [fam.]smart alec [coll.]
gros malin {m} [fam.]wise guy [coll.]
cuis. gros mangeur {m}big eater
cuis. gros mangeur {m}hearty eater
gros morceau {m}hunk
gros mot {m}swear word [also: swearword]
ling. gros mot {m}four-letter word
arch. constr. gros œuvre {m}brick shell [Br.]
arch. constr. gros œuvre {m}shell construction
arch. constr. gros œuvre {m}skeleton construction work
anat. gros orteil {m}big toe
anat. gros orteil {m}great toe
gros pétard {m}banger [Br.] [firecracker]
gros pétard {m}firecracker
film photo. gros plan {m}close-up
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