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Dictionary French English: figure

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NOUN   la figure | les figures
VERB   figurer | figure | avoir figuré | figurant
NOUN   a figure | figures
VERB  to figure | figured | figured ... 
SYNO   figure | figure of speech | image ... 
ling. figuré {adj}figurative [meaning]
figure {f} [diagramme, graphique]
figure [diagram, chart]
anat. figure {f} [visage]
jeux figure {f} [carte de jeux]court card
figure {f} [personnalité]figure [e.g. well-known]
ling. figuré {m}figurative sense
2 Words: Verbs
prendre figureto take shape
2 Words: Nouns
math. figure {f} géométriquegeometric figure
math. nombre {m} figuréfigurate number
3 Words: Others
au sens figuré {adv}figuratively
plein la figure {adv}all over the face
3 Words: Verbs
faire bonne figure [faire bonne impression]to make the right impression
faire bonne figure [réussir]to do well
faire figure d'amateurto look like an amateur
faire figure de qn./qc. [loc.]to appear as sb./sth. [loser, winner, liar, etc.]
faire piètre figure [avoir l'air misérable]to cut a sorry figure
faire piètre figure [faire mauvaise impression]to make a bad impression
faire triste figure [avoir l'air misérable]to cut a sorry figure
faire triste figure [faire mauvaise impression]to make a bad impression
3 Words: Nouns
cas {m} de figurescenario
figure {f} de prouefigurehead
ling. figure {f} de rhétoriquefigure of speech
4 Words: Verbs
casser la figure à qn. [fam.]to beat sb. up [coll.]
cogner qn. sur la figureto strike sb. in the face
aviat. se casser la figure [fam.] [loc.] [avoir un accident]to crash [plane]
se casser la figure [fam.] [loc.] [faire une chute]to take a tumble [idiom] [fall over]
se casser la figure [fam.] [loc.] [projet]to bite the dust [coll.] [idiom]
se casser la figure [fam.] [loc.] [tomber par terre]to fall down
se casser la figure [loc.] [personne]to come a cropper [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]
4 Words: Nouns
pire cas {m} de figureworst-case scenario
5+ Words: Others
dr. Cette mention ne figure plus dans le contrat.This clause is no longer in the contract.
Je me figure le travail que cela présente.I can well imagine the amount of work it involves.
Je t'aime, figure-toi !I love you, believe it or not!
5+ Words: Verbs
en mettre plein la figure à qn. [loc.]to really blow sb. away [idiom]
en mettre plein la figure à qn. [loc.]to really sock it to sb. [idiom]
flanquer des objets à la figure de qn.to fling things in sb.'s face
jeter qc. à la figure de qn. [objet, vérité, défi]to throw sth. in sb.'s face
lancer qc. chose à la figure de qn.to throw sth. in sb.'s face
sport prendre la balle en pleine figureto get hit right in the face by the ball
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