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Dictionary French English: effort

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NOUN   l'effort | les efforts
NOUN   an effort | efforts
SYNO   effort | exploit | feat | attempt ... 
effort {m}
effort {m}endeavor [Am.]
effort {m}endeavour [Br.]
phys. effort {m} [force exercée]stress
phys. effort {m} [force subie]strain
fin. effort {m} [mise de fonds]investment
fin. effort {m} [mise de fonds](financial) outlay
fin. effort {m} [subvention, aide]financial aid
2 Words: Others
sans effort {adv}easily
sans effort {adv}effortlessly
sans effort {adv}hands down [coll.] [easily]
sans effort {adv}without difficulty
sans effort {adv}at a canter [coll.]
sans effort {adv}without (any) effort
sans effort {adv}without any trouble
2 Words: Verbs
faire l'effortto make the effort
2 Words: Nouns
bel effort {m}fine effort
méd. dyspnée {f} d'effortexertional dyspnea [Am.]
méd. dyspnée {f} d'effortexertional dyspnoea [Br.]
méd. dyspnée {f} d'effortdyspnea on exertion [Am.] <DOE>
méd. dyspnée {f} d'effortdyspnoea on exertion [Br.] <DOE>
effort {m} collectifcollective effort
effort {m} collectifteam effort
sociol. effort {m} d'aiderelief effort
sport effort {m} d'équipeteam effort
effort {m} herculéenHerculean effort
anat. effort {m} musculairemuscular effort
anat. effort {m} musculairemuscular exertion
effort {m} personnelself-help
effort {m} physiqueexertion
anat. méd. sport électrocardiogramme {m} d'effortcardiac stress test
anat. méd. sport épreuve {f} d'effortcardiac stress test
anat. méd. sport test {m} d'effortcardiac stress test
3 Words: Others
d'un ultime effort {adv}with a last effort
d'un ultime effort {adv}with a last exertion
3 Words: Verbs
doser son effortto pace oneself
faire un effortto pull together
faire un effortto stretch oneself [fig.]
faire un effortto make a special effort
récompenser qn. d'un effortto reward sb. for their efforts
relâcher son effortto ease off [effort]
s'imposer un effortto force oneself to make an effort
triompher sans effortto succeed effortlessly
3 Words: Nouns
phys. effort {m} de cisaillement [exercé]shear stress
phys. effort {m} de cisaillement [subi]shear strain
effort {m} de développementdevelopment effort
effort {m} de développementdevelopment work
phys. tech. effort {m} de flexionbending stress
phys. effort {m} de torsiontorsional stress
phys. tech. effort {m} de tractiontension
phys. tech. effort {m} de tractiontensile strain
phys. tech. effort {m} de tractiontensile stress
4 Words: Verbs
être persévérant dans l'effortto be determined in one's efforts
faire un effort d'adaptationto try to adapt
faire un effort d'adaptationto make an effort to adapt
faire un effort d'attentionto make an effort to concentrate
fournir un effort intenseto strain every nerve [idiom]
fournir un gros effortto put in a lot of effort
imposer un effort à qn.to force sb. to make an effort
5+ Words: Verbs
être partisan du moindre effort [dans une décision]to go for the easy option
être partisan du moindre effort [être paresseux]to be lazy
faire effort sur soi-mêmeto force oneself to stay calm
faire effort sur soi-mêmeto make an effort to stay calm
fin. faire un effort en faveur des déshéritésto give financial aid to those in need
pratiquer la politique du moindre effort [loc.]to take the easy way out [idiom]
fin. représenter un gros effort financierto represent a substantial outlay
se relâcher dans son effortto let up [effort]
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