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French-English translation for: dit
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Dictionary French English: dit

Translation 1 - 55 of 55

French English
VERB   dire | dis | avoir dit | disant
NOUN   dit | dits
SYNO   dit | dot
dit {adj} {past-p}called
dit {past-p}said
2 Words: Others
autrement dit {adv}in other words
ceci dit {adv}beyond that
ceci dit {adv}apart from that
ceci dit {adv}having said that [nevertheless]
ceci dit {adv}other than that
ceci dit {adv}that being said
ceci dit {adv}this being said [nevertheless]
cela dit {adv}that said [nevertheless]
cela dit {adv}apart from that
cela dithaving said that
cela dit {adv}having said that [nevertheless]
cela dit {adv}other than that
cela dit {adv}that being said [nevertheless]
cela dit {adv}this being said [nevertheless]
joliment dit {adj} {past-p}beautifully put [nicely said]
joliment dit {adj} {past-p}nicely put [nicely said]
joliment dit {adj} {past-p}nicely said
non dit {adj}unsaid
proprement dit {adv}strictly speaking
2 Words: Nouns
non-dit {m}something unspoken
3 Words: Others
au lieu-dit ... {adv}at ... [named place]
Bien dit !Well said!
comme déjà dit {adv}as already mentioned
comme déjà dit {adv}as previously mentioned
Comment dit-on ... ?How do you say ... ?
4 Words: Others
Aussitôt dit, aussitôt fait. [loc.]No sooner said than done. [idiom]
C'est vite dit !That's easy to say!
C'est vite dit !That's easy for you to say!
comme dit le proverbe {adv}as the saying goes
entre nous soit dit {adv}between you and me
entre nous soit dit {adv}between you and me and the gatepost [coll.] [idiom]
On aurait dit que ...One would have said that ...
On eût dit que ... [littéraire]One would have said that ...
soi dit entre parenthèses {adv}incidentally
soi dit entre parenthèses {adv}by the by
soit dit en passant {adv}incidentally
5+ Words: Others
Ça en dit long sur ... [loc.]That speaks volumes about ... [idiom]
Unverified Ça me dit quelque chose. [loc.]That rings a bell. [idiom]
Ça ne me dit rien. [loc.]It means nothing to me. [idiom]
Ça vous dit quelque chose ? [fam.]Does that mean anything to you?
Cela me dit vaguement quelque chose.It seems vaguely familiar.
Cela ne me dit rien. [loc.]It means nothing to me. [idiom]
Elle l'a dit elle-même.She said it to herself.
Il dit tout ce qui lui passe par la tête.He always says the first thing that comes into his head.
Il ne dit pas un mot.He has clammed up. [coll.]
Je n'ai rien dit de tel !I never said such a thing!
Je n'ai rien dit de tel !I said nothing of the sort!
film RadioTV théâtre L'intrigue ne me dit pas grand'chose. [loc.]I don't think much of the plot. [idiom]
Qu'est-ce que j'ai dit de mal ?What did I say wrong?
Tout lecteur lui saura gré d'avoir dit ...Every reader will be grateful that he has said ...
Tu as vraiment dit ça ?Did you really say that?
5+ Words: Verbs
écouter ce qui se ditto listen to what's being said
Fiction (Literature and Film)
BD F Non, Obélix ! ... Tu n'auras pas de potion magique ! Je t'ai dit mille fois que tu étais tombé dedans étant petit ! [citation]No, Obelix! ... You cannot have the magic potion! I've told you a thousand times that you fell into the potion when you were little!
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