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French-English translation for: demi siècle
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Dictionary French English: demi siècle

Translation 1 - 50 of 176  >>

NOUN   le demi-siècle | les demi-siècles
demi-siècle {m}a half-century
demi-siècle {m}half a century
Partial Matches
siècle {m}century <c, cent.>
au 19ème siècle {adv}in the 19th century
au XVIIe siècle {adv}in the 17th century
changement {m} de siècleturn of the century
changement {m} du siècleturn of the century
arts hist. fin {f} de sièclefin de siècle
quart {m} de sièclequarter century
seuil {m} de siècleturn of the century
tournant {m} du siècleturn of the century
vivre au 20e siècleto live in the 20th century
hist. le Siècle {m} des Lumièresthe Age of Enlightenment
hist. littérat. littérature {f} du XIXème sièclenineteenth-century literature
aube {f} d'un nouveau siècledawn of a new century
dater du dix-septième siècleto date from the seventeenth century
remonter au dix-septième siècleto date from the seventeenth century
hist. mil. soldat {m} anglais du XVIIIe siècleredcoat
le 21e siècle {m} [le vingt-et-unième siècle]the 21st century
le 21ème siècle {m} [le vingt-et-unième siècle]the 21st century
le XXIe siècle {m} [le vingt-et-unième siècle]the 21st century
le XXIème siècle {m} [le vingt-et-unième siècle]the 21st century
demi déshabillé {adj} {past-p}half undressed
math. demi-circulaire {adj}semi-circular
math. demi-circulaire {adj}semicircular
math. demi-entier {adj}half-integral
demi-rond {adj}half-round
demi-rond {adj}hemispheric
demi-rond {adj}hemispherical
demi-rond {adj}semicircular
œnol. demi-sec {adj}medium-dry
cuis. demi-sel {adj}slightly salted
fin. demi-tarif {adj}half-price [attr.]
sport demi {m} centrecentre half [Br.]
sport demi {m} droitright half
sport demi {m} gaucheleft half
math. demi-anneau {m}half ring
demi-barrière {f}half-barrier [Br.]
demi-bouteille {f}half bottle
demi-cercle {m}semi-circle
math. demi-cercle {m}semicircle
éduc. demi-classe {f}half class
myth. relig. demi-dieu {m}demigod
math. demi-droite {f}half-line [ray]
math. demi-droite {f}ray
demi-échec {m}partial failure
math. demi-entier {m}half-integer
math. demi-espace {m}half-space
demi-finale {f}semi-final
sport demi-finale {f}semifinal
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