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French-English translation for: debout
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Dictionary French English: debout

Translation 1 - 36 of 36

French English
ADJ   debout | debout | debout | debout
debout {adv}
debout {adj}standing
debout {adv}standing (up)
debout {adv} [en parlant d'objets]vertical [upright]
debout {adj} [éveillé]up [coll.] [out of bed]
méd. debout {adv} [guéri]up and about [recovering]
méd. debout {adv} [guéri]up on one's feet (again) [recovering]
debout {adv} [littéraire] [dignement]honorably [Am.]
debout {adv} [littéraire] [dignement]honourably [Br.]
debout {adv} [littéraire] [dignement]uprightly
méd. debout {adv} [sorti de l'hôpital]out and about [recovering]
2 Words: Others
Debout ! [hors d'un siège]Get on your feet! [get up]
Debout ! [hors du lit]Get up! [out of bed]
debout seulement {adj}standing room only
2 Words: Verbs
être deboutto be standing up
être deboutto be on one's feet
maintenir qc. deboutto keep sth. upright
cuis. manger deboutto eat standing up
tenir debout [fig.]to hold water [fig.]
uriner deboutto pee standing up [coll.]
uriner deboutto urinate standing up
3 Words: Others
en station debout {adv}while standing
3 Words: Verbs
préférer rester deboutto prefer to remain standing
se maintenir deboutto remain standing
se mettre deboutto rise [get up]
se mettre deboutto stand up
se mettre deboutto get to one's feet
4 Words: Verbs
être vent debout contre qc. [loc.]to oppose sth.
mettre un projet debout [fig.]to set up a project
ne tenir plus debout [loc.] [fatigué]to be dead on one's feet [idiom] [very tired]
ne tenir plus debout [loc.] [ivre]to be legless [coll.] [very drunk]
4 Words: Nouns
conte {m} à dormir debout [fig.]cock-and-bull story [coll.]
histoire {f} à dormir debout [fig.]cock-and-bull story [coll.]
5+ Words: Others
Ça ne tient pas debout. [fig.]It doesn't make sense.
La maison de mon enfance est encore debout.The house where I lived as a child is still there.
Le raisonnement ne tient pas debout. [loc.]The argument doesn't hold water. [idiom]
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