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French-English translation for: crever
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Dictionary French English: crever

Translation 1 - 43 of 43

French English
VERB1   crever | crève | avoir crevé | crevant
VERB2   se crever | me crève | s'être crevé | se crevant
crever [se percer]
to burst
crever [fam.] [mourir]
to die
auto crever [automobiliste, cycliste]to have a puncture
crever [fam.] [mourir]to peg out [coll.] [to die]
crever [fam.] [mourir]to pop off [coll.] [die]
crever [paquet, sac]to burst open
méd. crever qc. [bulle, abcès, tympan]to burst sth.
crever qc. [pneu, ballon]to puncture sth.
occup. crever qn. [patron]to work sb. into the ground
crever qn. [travail, chaleur]to wear sb. out
2 Words: Verbs
crever d'orgueilto be terribly full of oneself
crever l'abcès [fig.]to resolve a crisis
se crever [fam.]to wear oneself out
3 Words: Verbs
météo. crever de chaudto be sweltering
crever de faim [fam.]to be starving
crever de jalousieto be consumed with jealousy
crever de jalousieto be dying of jealousy
crever de jalousieto be eaten up with jealousy
crever l'œil de qn.to poke sb.s eye out
crever le plafond [battre les records]to break all previous records
crever le plafond [dépasser la limite]to go through the ceiling
crever les yeux [fig.] [sauter aux yeux]to catch the eye [idiom]
occup. crever ses hommes [au travail]to work one's men into the ground
zool. crever un animal [au travail]to work an animal into the ground
équi. crever un cheval [au galop]to ride a horse into the ground
3 Words: Nouns
météo. chaleur {f} à crever [fam.]awful heat
météo. chaleur {f} à crever [fam.]baking heat [coll.] [scorching heat]
météo. chaleur {f} à crever [fam.]real scorcher [coll.]
météo. chaleur {f} à crever [fam.]scorching heat [coll.]
4 Words: Verbs
crever d'envie de faire qc. [loc.]to be dying to do sth. [idiom]
crever d'envie de faire qc. [loc.]to be desperately keen to do sth. [idiom]
méd. être malade à crever [loc.] [vomir]to be as sick as a dog [idiom]
bot. faire crever des plantes [fam.]to kill plants
laisser qn. crever de faim [fam.]to let sb. starve to death
laisser qn. crever de froid [fam.]to let sb. freeze to death
se crever à faire qc. [fam.]to get worn out doing sth.
se crever à faire qc. [fam.]to wear oneself out doing sth.
se crever au travail [fam.]to work oneself to death [coll.]
anat. méd. se crever un tympanto burst an eardrum
5+ Words: Others
C'est à crever de rire. [fam.] [loc.]It's hysterically funny.
météo. Il fait un froid à crever. [fam.]It's terribly cold.
météo. Il fait une chaleur à crever. [fam.]It's terribly hot.
5+ Words: Verbs
se crever la paillasse à faire qc. [loc.]to break one's back doing sth. [idiom]
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