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French-English translation for: couvrir
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Dictionary French English: couvrir

Translation 1 - 57 of 57

French English
VERB1   couvrir | couvre | avoir couvert | couvrant
VERB2   se couvrir | me couvre | s'être couvert | se couvrant
couvrir qn./qc.
to cover sb./sth.
fin. couvrir qc. [assumer des risques financiers]
to hedge sth.
journ. RadioTV couvrir qc.to give coverage to sth.
assur. couvrir qc. [assurer - dégâts, frais, personne, risque]to insure sth.
cuis. outil. couvrir qc. [d'un couvercle - poêle]to put a lid on sth.
couvrir qc. [d'une protection, d'une couche - livre, cahier]to put a dust cover on sth.
couvrir qc. [dissimuler - erreur]to cover sth. up [error]
fin. couvrir qc. [emprunt]to underwrite sth.
fin. couvrir qc. [enchère]to bid higher than sth.
couvrir qc. [voix]to drown sth. out [voice]
couvrir qn. [protéger - complice]to cover up for sb.
couvrir qn. [protéger]to protect sb.
couvrir qn. [protéger]to shield sb.
2 Words: Verbs
internet journ. RadioTV couvrir l'événementto give coverage to the event
couvrir qc. avec qc. [protéger]to cover sth. with sth.
couvrir qc. de qc. [protéger]to cover sth. with sth.
couvrir qn. d'injuresto heap abuse on sb.
couvrir qn. d'or [loc.]to shower sb. with gifts [idiom]
couvrir qn. de qc. [amour, bises]to smother sb. with sth. [love, kisses]
couvrir qn./qc. de qc.to wrap sb./sth. in sth.
météo. se couvrir [ciel]to become cloudy
météo. se couvrir [ciel]to become overcast
se couvrir [de coups]to protect oneself
se couvrir [de critiques, d'accusations]to cover oneself
se couvrir [de critiques, d'accusations]to cover one's back
se couvrir [mettre un chapeau]to put on one's hat
vêt. se couvrir [s'habiller]to dress warmly
vêt. se couvrir [s'habiller]to wrap up
3 Words: Verbs
couvrir le feuto bank up the fire
fin. couvrir les fraisto cover expenses
fin. couvrir les fraisto cover the costs
constr. couvrir qc. d'un toitto roof sth.
couvrir qc. de chaumeto thatch sth.
couvrir qn. de baisersto kiss sb. all over
couvrir qn. de boue [fam.]to sling mud at sb. [coll.]
couvrir qn. de cadeaux [loc.]to shower sb. with gifts [idiom]
couvrir qn. de confettisto shower sb. in confetti
couvrir qn. de fleurs [loc.]to shower sb. with compliments [idiom]
couvrir qn. de honteto make sb. feel ashamed
mil. couvrir ses arrièresto cover one's rear
assur. se couvrir contre qc. [se garantir]to cover oneself against sth.
se couvrir d'ignominieto disgrace oneself
4 Words: Verbs
hort. se couvrir de bourgeonsto come into bud
se couvrir de buéeto mist up
se couvrir de feuillesto come into leaf
hort. se couvrir de fleursto come into bloom
se couvrir de gloireto cover oneself with glory
orn. se couvrir de plumes [oiseau]to fledge [bird: acquire feathers]
se couvrir de ridiculeto expose oneself to ridicule
se couvrir de ridicule [loc.]to compromise oneself
se couvrir de ridicule [loc.]to show oneself up [idiom]
se couvrir de ridicule [loc.]to make oneself look ridiculous
se couvrir de ridicule [loc.]to make a fool of oneself [idiom]
se couvrir de ridicule [loc.]to make an ass of oneself [coll.] [idiom]
5+ Words: Verbs
sport couvrir 200 kilomètres par jourto do 200 kilometres a day [Br.]
couvrir un mur de peintureto paint a wall
se couvrir les yeux avec les mainsto cover one's eyes with one's hands
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