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French-English translation for: cou
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Dictionary French English: cou

Translation 1 - 66 of 66

French English
NOUN   le cou | les cous
anat. cou {m}  l'arrière]
anat. cou {m} [partie antérieure]throat [front of the neck]
2 Words: Others
casse-cou {adj}tearaway [Br.] [coll.] [attr.] [also: tear-away]
2 Words: Nouns
casse-cou {f}tearaway [Br.] [coll.] [female] [also: tear-away]
casse-cou {m}tearaway [Br.] [coll.] [also: tear-away]
casse-cou {m} [fam.]daredevil
casse-cou {m} [fam.]dare-devil
casse-cou {m} [fam.]go-getter [coll.]
3 Words: Verbs
avancer le couto crane one's neck (forward)
tendre le couto crane one's neck
anat. tendre le couto stretch one's neck
3 Words: Nouns
chaîne {f} de counecklace
orn. cou {m} de cygneswan's neck
anat. cou-de-pied {m}instep
étirement {m} du courubbernecking [e.g. driving slowly past an accident]
étirement {m} du courubber-necking [coll.] [e.g. driving slowly past an accident]
anat. naissance {f} du coubase of the neck
anat. tour {m} de couneck measurement
4 Words: Verbs
sauter au cou de qn.to fling one's arms around sb.'s neck
anat. méd. se casser le couto break one's neck
se casser le cou [loc.]to come a cropper [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]
se casser le cou [loc.]to take a tumble [idiom]
anat. méd. se démettre le couto rick one's neck [Br.]
tordre le cou à qn./qc.to wring sb.'s/sth.'s neck
5+ Words: Verbs
avoir des ennuis jusqu'au cou [fig.]to be up to one's neck in problems [fig.]
avoir des problèmes jusqu'au cou [fig.]to be up to one's neck in problems [fig.]
avoir la bride sur le cou [fig.]to have free rein [fig.]
dévisser le cou pour voir qc.to crane one's neck to see sth.
anat. faire 40 cm de tour de couto measure 40cm around the neck
mesurer le tour de cou de qn.to take sb.'s neck measurement
prendre ses jambes à son cou [fig.] [s'enfuir]to run for one's life [idiom] [to flee]
prendre ses jambes à son cou [loc.]to leg it [Br.] [coll.] [to run away]
prendre ses jambes à son cou [loc.]to take to one's heels [idiom]
prendre ses jambes à son cou [loc.]to run off like a scalded cat [idiom]
prendre ses jambes à son cou [loc.]to show a clean pair of heels
se jeter au cou de qn.to fling oneself around sb.'s neck
anat. se pendre au cou de qn.to throw one's arms around sb.'s neck
agr. cuis. tordre le cou à un pouletto wring a chicken's neck
tordre le cou à une idée reçue [loc.]to turn received wisdom on its head [idiom]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F La Bride sur le cou [Roger Vadim (1961)]Please Not Now!
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
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orn. T
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