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French-English translation for: corps
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Dictionary French English: corps

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NOUN   le corps | les corps
NOUN   a corps | corps
SYNO   army corps | corps
corps {m} [aussi vin]
body [also wine]
2 Words: Nouns
astron. corps {m} célestecelestial body
astron. corps {m} célesteheavenly body
math. corps {m} commutatiffield
mil. corps {m} d'arméearmy corps
adm. corps {m} diplomatiquediplomatic corps
éduc. occup. corps {m} enseignant [au niveau d'une école, d'un lycée]faculty
éduc. occup. corps {m} enseignant [au niveau d'une école, d'un lycée]academic staff
éduc. occup. corps {m} enseignant [au niveau d'une école, d'un lycée]teaching staff
méd. corps {m} étrangerforeign body
méd. corps {m} étrangerforeign matter
méd. corps {m} étrangerforeign substance
mil. corps {m} expéditionnaireexpeditionary force
math. corps {m} finifinite field
math. corps {m} finiGalois field
hist. mil. corps {m} francFreikorps [irregular military volunteer units, or paramilitary, that existed from 18C to the early 20C (mainly in German speaking countries)]
math. corps {m} gauchedivision ring
math. corps {m} gaucheskew field
anat. corps {m} humainhuman body
adm. pol. corps {m} municipalmunicipality
astron. phys. corps {m} noirblack body
corps {m} solidesolid body
corps {m} solidesolid object
ésot. corps {m} subtilsubtle body
math. corps {m} valuévalued field
anat. corps {m} vertébral [Corpus vertebrae]vertebral body
anat. corps {m} vitré [Corpus vitreum]vitreous body
anat. corps {m} vitré [Corpus vitreum]vitreous humor [Am.]
anat. corps {m} vitré [Corpus vitreum]vitreous humour [Br.]
arch. garde-corps {m}balustrade
garde-corps {m}banister
garde-corps {m}handrail
garde-corps {m}railing
garde-corps {m}hand rail
3 Words: Others
à corps perdu {adv} [intensément]headlong
à corps perdu {adv} [intensément]with all one's might
corps et âme {adv} [loc.]with heart and soul [idiom]
vêt. près du corps {adj}body-hugging [close-fitting]
3 Words: Verbs
faire corps avec qc. [nature, émotions]to be at one with sth.
3 Words: Nouns
dr. astreinte {f} par corpsimprisonment for contempt
attitude {f} du corpsposture [bodily]
anat. bas {m} du corpsbottom half of the body
contrainte {f} par corpscoercion
contrainte {f} par corpsduress
contrainte {f} par corpsnecessitation
math. corps {m} de décompositionsplitting field
math. corps {m} de déploiementsplitting field
arch. mil. corps {m} de gardeguardhouse
arch. mil. corps {m} de gardeguardroom
constr. mil. corps {m} de génieengineers regiment
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