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French-English translation for: café
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Dictionary French English: café

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ADJ   café [invariable]
NOUN   le café | les cafés
NOUN   a café | cafés
cuis. café {m}
café {m} [établissement]café
café {m} [établissement]cafe
café {m} [établissement]coffee bar [Br.]
2 Words: Nouns
cuis. café {m} allongélungo [espresso diluted with water, but not as much as an Americano]
cuis. café {m} americanoAmericano [espresso with increased amount of water]
cuis. café {m} arrosécoffee laced with alcohol
cuis. café {m} chantillycoffee with whipped cream
cuis. café {m} crèmewhite coffee [when ordering in café] [Br.]
alim. café {m} décaféinédecaff [Br.] [coll.]
cuis. café {m} décaféinédecaffeinated coffee
cuis. café {m} doubledouble-shot coffee
cuis. café {m} expressoespresso coffee
cuis. café {m} filtrefilter coffee
cuis. café {m} frappéiced coffee
cuis. café {m} glacéiced café
cuis. café {m} glacéiced coffee
cuis. café {m} gourmandcafé gourmand [espresso and a selection of petits fours served together]
cuis. café {m} instantanéinstant coffee
cuis. café {m} liégeois[French cold dessert made from lightly sweetened coffee, coffee-flavoured ice cream and chantilly cream]
cuis. café {m} mouluground coffee
cuis. VocVoy. café {m} nature [rare]coffee without sugar or milk
cuis. café {m} noirblack coffee
cuis. café {m} noisettemachiatto [coffee with just a drop of milk]
cuis. café {m} serréstrong coffee
cuis. café {m} solubleinstant coffee
cuis. café {m} solublesoluble coffee
cuis. café {m} torréfiéroasted coffee
cuis. café {m} viennoisVienna coffee [coffee with whipped cream]
café-restaurant {m}coffee shop
théâtre café-théâtre {m}cabaret [performance venue]
pause-café {f}coffee break
cuis. pousse-café {m} [fam.] [digestif]liqueur
3 Words: Verbs
cuis. faire du caféto brew coffee
cuis. faire du caféto make coffee
cuis. faire du caféto percolate coffee
cuis. faire du caféto perk coffee [coll.] [percolate]
cuis. passer du caféto brew coffee
3 Words: Nouns
cuis. bol {m} de cafébowl of coffee
cuis. café {m} au laitwhite coffee [Br.]
cuis. café {m} au laitcoffee with milk
cuis. café {m} bien tassé [fam.]strong coffee
cuis. café {m} en grainscoffee beans
café {m} en poudrecoffee powder
cuis. café {m} en poudreinstant coffee
cuis. café {m} fraîchement moulufreshly ground coffee
cuis. café {m} fraîchement passéfreshly brewed coffee
cuis. capsule {f} de cafécoffee capsule
cuis. crème {f} à cafécoffee cream
cuis. crème {f} à cafécoffee creamer
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