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French-English translation for: battre
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Dictionary French English: battre

Translation 1 - 50 of 102  >>

French English
VERB1   battre | bats | avoir battu | battant
VERB2   se battre | me bats | s'être battu | se battant
battre qn./qc.
to beat sb./sth. [eggs, people]
cuis. battre qc. [au fouet]
to whisk sth.
battre qn. [équipe]
to defeat sb.
anat. battre [cœur, pouls]to beat
battre [porte]to bang
jeux battre qc. [cartes]to shuffle sth.
cuis. battre qc. [crème]to churn sth.
agr. battre qc. [grain]to thresh sth. [grain]
battre qc. [mer contre rocher]to pound sth. [sea on rocks]
météo. battre qc. [pluie contre vitre]to lash against sth. [rain on window]
sport battre qc. [record]to beat sth. [record]
battre qn.to batter sb.
battre qn.to best sb.
battre qn.to lamp sb. [Br.] [coll.]
battre qn.to beat the hell out of sb. [coll.] [idiom]
battre qn./qc.to hit sb./sth.
2 Words: Verbs
fin. battre monnaieto mint coins
naut. battre pavillon [p. ex. français, anglais]to fly the flag [e.g. French, English]
battre qn. d'importanceto beat sb. soundly
sport battre qn./qc. loyalementto beat sb./sth. fair and square [idiom]
battre viteto pound [heart]
se battreto exchange blows
se battreto fight (with each other)
3 Words: Verbs
jeux battre (les cartes)to shuffle (the cards)
orn. battre des ailesto flap its wings
battre des mainsto clap (one's hand)
anat. battre des paupièresto flutter one's eyelashes
mil. battre en retraiteto (beat a) retreat
battre en retraite [fig.]to beat a hasty retreat
battre froid à qn. [fig.] [fam.]to cold-shoulder sb. [fig.] [coll.]
battre froid à qn. [fig.] [fam.]to give sb. the cold shoulder [fig.] [coll.]
méd. battre la breloque [fam.] [cœur]to be none too good [e.g. heart]
battre la breloque [fam.] [personne]to be a bit batty [coll.]
battre la campagne [loc.]to comb the countryside [idiom]
battre la campagne [loc.]to be in one's own little world [idiom]
battre la chamade [cœur]to pound [heart]
mil. battre la chargeto sound the advance
mil. battre la chargeto sound the charge
mil. battre la dianeto sound the reveille
agr. outil. battre la fauxto sharpen the scythe
agr. outil. battre la fauxto whet the scythe
mus. battre la mesureto beat time
mil. battre la retraiteto beat the retreat
battre la semelle [pour se réchauffer les pieds]to stamp one's feet [to keep them warm]
agr. battre le bléto flail wheat
vêt. battre le pavéto wear out one's shoe leather
mil. battre le tambourto beat the drum
battre le tambour [loc.]to shout from the rooftops [idiom]
jeux battre les cartesto give the cards a shuffle
trafic battre les cheminsto travel the roads
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