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French-English translation for: assurer
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Dictionary French English: assurer

Translation 1 - 66 of 66

French English
VERB   assurer | assure | avoir assuré | assurant
NOUN   an assurer | assurers
assurer qn./qc.
to assure sb./sth.
assurer qc.
to ensure sth.
assurerto cope
sport assurerto play it safe
assurer [fam.] [être à la hauteur]to be up to the mark [coll.]
assurer qc.to cinch sth. [coll.] [guarantee: success etc.]
assurer qc.to make sure of sth.
assur. assurer qc. [biens]to insure sth.
assurer qc. [frontière]to protect sth.
assurer qc. [service]to provide sth.
assurer qc. [victoire, paix, promotion]to secure sth.
assurer qn./qc.to insure sb./sth.
assur. s'assurerto take out insurance
alpin. sport s'assurer [en alpinisme]to belay oneself
s'assurer [personne]to steady oneself
2 Words: Verbs
assurer qc. à qn.to warrant sth. to sb.
assur. assurer qc. contre qc.to insure sth. against sth. [theft, damage]
assurer qn. de qc.to assure sb. of sth.
assur. s'assurer contre qc.to insure against sth.
s'assurer de qc.to check on sth.
s'assurer de qc.to make sure of sth.
s'assurer que ...to check that ...
s'assurer que ...to make sure that ...
assur. sous-assurer qc.to underinsure sth.
3 Words: Verbs
assurer à qn. que ...to assure sb. that ...
éduc. assurer en chimieto be good at chemistry
assurer l'entretien de qc. [intérieur]to look after sth.
auto immo. assurer l'entretien de qc. [voiture, route, bâtiment]to maintain sth.
adm. assurer la conformitéto ensure compliance
adm. assurer la conformitéto ensure conformity
fin. sociol. assurer la matérielle [loc.]to make a living [idiom]
assurer la subsistance [loc.]to safeguard the future [idiom]
assurer qn. plein soutiento assure full support to sb.
assurer ses arrières [loc.]to cover one's back [idiom]
assurer son pasto steady oneself
éduc. assurer un cours [organiser]to provide a course [organise]
sport assurer une balle [ne pas risquer]to play a safe ball
assur. auto s'assurer au tiersto take out third-party insurance
assur. fin. s'assurer contre l'incendieto take out fire insurance
s'assurer l'appui de qn.to win sb.'s support
4 Words: Others
occup. incapable d'assurer un emploi {adj}unemployable
4 Words: Verbs
assurer avec les fillesto have a way with the girls
assurer la continuité de qc.to ensure continuity in sth.
assurer la défense de qc.to defend sth.
comm. occup. assurer la gestion de qc.to manage sth.
naut. transp. assurer la liaison entre qc. [ferry]to sail between sth. [ferry service]
trains transp. assurer la liaison entre qc. [train, car]to run between sth. [train, bus service]
assurer la sauvegarde de qc.to safeguard sth.
dr. assurer sa propre défenseto conduct one's own defence [Br.]
dr. assurer sa propre défenseto conduct one's own defense [Am.]
fin. sociol. assurer ses vieux joursto provide for one's old age
s'assurer les services de qn.to retain sb.'s services
s'assurer les services de qn./qc.to enlist the services of sb./sth.
assur. fin. s'assurer sur la vieto take out life insurance
fin. sociol. s'assurer une bonne retraiteto arrange to get a good pension
5+ Words: Verbs
hydro. urban assurer l'approvisionnement en eau d'une villeto supply a town with water
assurer l'information de qn. en matière de qc.to keep sb. informed about sth.
journ. RadioTV assurer la couverture d'un événementto cover an event
assurer la liaison entre différents servicesto liaise between different services
dr. assurer le maintien de l'ordreto maintain order
occup. assurer le placement des diplômésto ensure that the graduates find employment
occup. assurer les fonctions de directeurto be director
sport assurer sa qualification en finaleto get into the final
s'assurer que tout est prêtto ensure everything is ready
s'assurer une position de replito make sure one has a fall-back position
5+ Words: Nouns
assur. s'assurer à la compagnie X contre qc. {noun}to insure against sth. with company X
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