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French-English translation for: as
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Dictionary French English: as

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NOUN   l'as | les as
NOUN1   an A | As
NOUN2   an as [Roman coin] | asses
NOUN3   an A [letter, note] | As/A's
SYNO   as | equally | every bit | As ... 
as {m}
ace [card]
chim. minér. arsenic {m} <As>arsenic <As>
sport as {m} [fig.]champion
unit attoseconde {f} <as>attosecond <as>
2 Words: Nouns
anat. méd. amyotrophie {f} spinale <SMA> <AS>spinal muscular atrophy <SMA>
mil. armée {f} secrète <AS>armée secrète [French organisation in WW2]
3 Words: Others
(Tu as) compris ?Do you understand?
(Tu as) compris ?Do you get it? [coll.]
Tu as entendu ?Did you hear that?
3 Words: Verbs
être un asto be an ace [in sth.]
passer à l'as [loc.] [être annulé]to go by the board [idiom]
passer à l'as [loc.] [être gaspillé]to go down the drain [idiom] [e.g. money]
passer à l'as [loc.] [ne pas être compté]to be overlooked
fin. passer à l'as [loc.] [sur une facture]to be left off the bill
passer qc. à l'asto forget about sth. deliberately
3 Words: Nouns
jeux as {m} de carreauace of diamonds
jeux as {m} de cœurace of hearts
jeux as {m} de piqueace of spades
jeux as {m} de trèfleace of clubs
aviat. as {m} du cielflying ace
auto as {m} du volantace driver
m'as-tu-vu {m} [fam.]showoff [coll.] [boaster]
4 Words: Others
As-tu assez chaud ?Are you warm enough?
As-tu l'heure exacte ?Have you got the right / correct time?
Comment tu as fait ? [fam.]How did you manage (that)?
Quel âge as-tu ? [fam.]How old are you?
Tu as quel âge ? [fam.]How old are you?
Tu n'as pas honte ? [fam.]Shame on you!
4 Words: Verbs
jeux avoir un carré d'asto have the four aces
être plein aux as [fam.] [loc.]to be loaded [coll.] [idiom]
être plein aux as [fam.] [loc.]to be stinking rich [coll.] [idiom]
5+ Words: Others
À l'instant tu m'as appelé.Just when you rang.
Auquel de tes amis as-tu écrit ?To which of your friends did you write?
Auquel de tes amis as-tu écrit ?Which of your friends did you write to?
Combien de fautes as-tu faites ? - Aucune !How many mistakes did you make? - None!
Dans le fond, tu as raison.You're right, really.
L'ami auquel tu as écrit.The friend (who) you wrote to.
L'ami auquel tu as écrit.The friend to whom you wrote.
La femme à laquelle tu as écrit est morte.The woman (whom / who) you wrote to has died.
La femme à laquelle tu as écrit est morte.The woman to whom you wrote has died.
La femme à qui tu as écrit est morte.The woman (whom / who) you wrote to has died.
La femme à qui tu as écrit est morte.The woman to whom you wrote has died.
Les femmes à qui tu as écrit sont mortes.The women (who / whom) you wrote to are dead.
Les femmes à qui tu as écrit sont mortes.The women to whom you wrote are dead.
Les femmes auxquelles tu as écrit sont mortes.The women (who / whom) you wrote to are dead.
Les femmes auxquelles tu as écrit sont mortes.The women to whom you wrote are dead.
Les hommes à qui tu as écrit sont morts.The men (who / whom) you wrote to have died.
Les hommes auxquels tu as écrit sont morts.The men to whom you wrote have died.
as-tu trouvé ça ?Where did you find that?
est-ce que tu as mis les clés ?Where have you put the keys?
l'as-tu eu / eue ?Where did you get it?
Tu as de la chance !You lucky thing! [coll.]
Tu as entièrement raison !You're absolutely right!
Tu as entièrement raison !You're quite right!
Tu as manqué ta vocation.You missed your vocation.
vêt. Tu as mis ton pullover à l'envers. [l'intérieur à l'extérieur]You've put your pullover on inside out.
vêt. Tu as mis ton pullover à l'envers. [le devant derrière]You've put your pullover on back to front.
Tu as raté ta vocation.You missed your vocation.
Tu as vraiment dit ça ?Did you really say that?
Tu en as de bonnes !Are you kidding ?
Tu en as de bonnes, toi !You must be joking!
Tu es un as ! [fam.]You're brilliant! [coll.]
Tu l'as bien cherché ! [fam.]You asked for it ! [coll.]
Tu l'as bien mérité !It serves you right !
Tu l'as bien mérité !You got what you deserve !
Tu n'as pas l'air très gai.You're not looking very cheerful.
Tu n'as qu'à le demander pour l'avoir.It's your's for the asking.
5+ Words: Verbs
être fagoté comme l'as de pique [loc.]to look a mess [idiom]
être ficelé comme l'as de pique [loc.]to look a mess [idiom]
cuis. être un as en cuisineto be a brilliant cook [coll.]
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