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French-English translation for: arriver
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Dictionary French English: arriver

Translation 1 - 50 of 77  >>

French English
VERB   arriver | arrive | être arrivé | arrivant
NOUN   an arriver | arrivers
SYNO   arrival | arriver | comer
to arrive
arriver [survenir, se passer]
to occur
arriver [venir]
to come
arriver [se produire]
to happen
arriver [personne]to succeed
arriver [personne]to go places [idiom] [succeed]
arriver [personne]to cut the mustard [idiom] [succeed]
2 Words: Verbs
arriver à qc. [étape]to reach sth.
arriver avant qn.to arrive before sb. (does)
arriver chez qn.to arrive at sb.'s home
y arriverto succeed
y arriverto manage it
y arriverto carry it off [idiom] [succeed]
y arriverto bring home the bacon [coll.] [idiom] [achieve success]
y arriverto manage to do it
3 Words: Others
Ça devait arriver.It had to happen.
Ça devait arriver.It was bound to happen.
3 Words: Verbs
arriver à destination [personne]to reach one's destination
arriver à destination [train]to reach its destination
cuis. arriver à ébullitionto come to a boil [Am.]
cuis. arriver à ébullitionto come to the boil [Br.]
assur. fin. arriver à échéance [assurance]to mature
fin. arriver à échéance [loyer, traite, emprunt]to fall due
adm. fin. arriver à expiration [carte de crédit]to come up for renewal
arriver à faire qc.to manage to do sth.
arriver à faire qc.to succeed in doing sth.
arriver à l'essentielto cut to the chase [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
arriver à l'essentielto get down to basics
arriver à l'essentielto get to the heart of the matter [idiom]
arriver à l'essentielto hit the nail on the head [idiom]
arriver à maturité [entreprise]to realize its full potential
arriver à maturité [fruit, personne]to reach maturity
arriver à proposto occur at the right time
arriver à saturation [loc.] [public, personne]to have had as much as one can take [idiom]
arriver à saturation [marché, réseau]to reach saturation point
arriver à tempsto arrive in time
arriver à tempsto come in time
arriver bon premier [loc.]to win at a canter [idiom]
arriver en fanfareto arrive in spectacular fashion
mil. arriver en forceto arrive in force
arriver en meuteto come in droves
arriver en queueto come last
arriver en retardto come late
arriver en têteto come first
arriver sans prévenir [événement]to happen without warning
arriver sans prévenir [personne]to arrive without warning
tarder à arriverto be a long time coming
4 Words: Others
Quoi qui puisse arriver.Whatever may happen.
4 Words: Verbs
transp. arriver à bon port [loc.]to arrive safely
transp. arriver à bon port [loc.]to arrive safe and sound [idiom]
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