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French-English translation for: amour
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Dictionary French English: amour

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NOUN   l'amour | les amours
SYNO   affair | affaire | amour | intimacy ... 
amour {m}
amour {m} [forme d'adresse]darling [form of address]
arts amour {m} [statuette, personnage]cupid
2 Words: Others
sans amour {adj}loveless
2 Words: Nouns
acte {m} d'amourcharitable act
amour {m} d'enfancechildhood crush [Am.] [coll.]
amour {m} d'enfancechildhood sweetheart
amour {m} excessifdoting love
amour {m} foupassionate love
amour {m} physiquecarnal love
amour-haine {m}love-hate (relationship)
psych. amour-propre {m}narcissism
psych. amour-propre {m}amour propre
amour-propre {m}self esteem
psych. amour-propre {m}self-love
psych. amour-propre {m}self-respect
sociol. bb {m} d'amour [fam.] [enfant désiré]planned child
chagrin {m} d'amourlovesickness
mus. chanson {f} d'amourlove song
cote {f} d'amourpopularity rating
déclaration {f} d'amourdeclaration of love
déclaration {f} d'amourprofession of love
film film {m} d'amourlove film [Br.]
film film {m} d'amourlove movie [Am.]
geste {m} d'amouract of love
sociol. histoire {f} d'amourromance [love affair]
sociol. histoire {f} d'amourlove affair
littérat. histoire {f} d'amourlove story
lettre {f} d'amourlove letter
sociol. nid {m} d'amourlove nest
peine {f} d'amourlovelornness
peine {f} d'amourlovesickness
anat. poignées {f.pl} d'amour [fam.]love handles [coll.]
cuis. pomme {f} d'amourcandy apple [Am.]
cuis. pomme {f} d'amourtoffee apple [Br.]
film RadioTV théâtre scène {f} d'amourlove scene
3 Words: Others
avec l'amour de qn. {adv}with love from sb.
fou d'amour pour qn. {adj}madly in love with sb.
3 Words: Verbs
s'aimer d'amour tendreto love each other tenderly
se pâmer d'amourto be lovelorn
3 Words: Nouns
affres {f.pl} de l'amour [littéraire]love pangs
sociol. amour {m} de jeunessechildhood sweetheart
amour {m} de l'ordreorderliness
amour {m} de l'ordretidiness
amour {m} de l'ordrelove of order
amour {m} de rencontreone-night stand [sexual] [coll.]
zool. amour {m} des animauxlove of animals
occup. amour {m} du métierlove of one's profession
amour {m} du prochainaltruism
amour {m} du prochainbenevolence
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