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Dictionary French English: Jean

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NOUN   le jean | les jeans
NOUN   jean | -
SYNO   blue jean | denim | jean | denim ... 
vêt. jean {m}
onom. Jean {m}John
2 Words
textile en jean {adj}denim
vêt. blue-jean {m} [pantalon]blue jeans {pl} [one pair]
onom. relig. Jean {m} Calvin [1509-1564]John Calvin [1509-1564]
jean-foutre {m} [aussi : jeanfoutre] [fam.] [péj.]waster [coll.] [pej.]
jean-foutre {m} [aussi : jeanfoutre] [fam.] [péj.]good-for-nothing [coll.] [pej.]
textile tissu {m} jeandenim
3 Words
hist. relig. Apocryphe {m} de JeanApocryphon of John <NHC II, 1> [Nag Hammadi text]
hist. relig. Apocryphe {m} de JeanSecret Book of John <NHC II, 1> [Nag Hammadi text]
hist. relig. Apocryphe {m} de JeanSecret Revelation of John <NHC II, 1> [Nag Hammadi text]
onom. phys. Augustin {m} Jean Fresnel [1788-1827]Augustin Jean Fresnel [1788-1827]
arch. relig. basilique {f} Saint-Jean [Berlin]Basilica of St. John the Baptist [Berlin]
bible Évangile {m} selon Jean <Jn>Gospel according to John
hist. Jean {m} sans Peur [1371-1419]John the Fearless [1371-1419] [ruled the Burgundian State as Duke from 1404 till he was murdered in 1419.]
bible relig. l'Évangile {m} selon Jeanthe Gospel according to John
4 Words
hist. pol. Jean {m} II le Bon [1319-1364]John II the Good [1319-1364] [King of France 1350-1364 but spent much time in captivity in London after defeat at Battle of Poitiers in 1356]
math. onom. phys. Jean-Baptiste {m} Joseph Fourier [1768-1830]Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier [1768-1830]
5+ Words
hist. relig. livre {m} des secrets de JeanApocryphon of John <NHC II, 1> [Nag Hammadi text]
hist. relig. livre {m} des secrets de JeanSecret Book of John <NHC II, 1> [Nag Hammadi text]
hist. relig. livre {m} des secrets de JeanSecret Revelation of John <NHC II, 1> [Nag Hammadi text]
hist. mil. relig. ordre {m} de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem [ordre des Hospitaliers]Knights Hospitaller [Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem] [Knights of Rhodes] [Knights of Malta] [Order of Saint John]
géogr. hist. mil. siège {m} de Saint-Jean-d'Acre [1291]siege of Acre [1291] [also: fall of Acre] [capture of the city marked the end of further crusades to the Levant]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
littérat. F Jean de FerIron John [Brothers Grimm (1850)]
film littérat. F Jean de Florette [écrivain : Marcel Pagnol (1963), réalisateur : Claude Berri (1986)]Jean de Florette
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
orn. T
cuis. ichtyo. T
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