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French-English translation for: Grand
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Dictionary French English: Grand

Translation 1 - 50 of 447  >>


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ADJ   grand | grande | grands | grandes
NOUN   le grand | les grands
ADJ   grand | grander | grandest
NOUN   a grand | grand
SYNO   grand | grand piano | august | lordly ... 
grand {adj}
grand {adj}great
grand {adj}high
grand {adj}large [in size]
grand {adj}tall
2 Words: Others
grand modèle {adj}large-size
grand ouvert {adj}wide open
arts grand teint {adj}colorfast [Am.]
arts grand teint {adj}colourfast [Br.]
arts grand teint {adj}color-fast [Am.]
arts grand teint {adj}colour-fast [Br.]
arts grand teint {adj}true-color [Am.]
arts grand teint {adj}true-colour [Br.]
plus grand {adj}taller
très grand {adj}hugh
très grand {adj}mondo [Am.] [sl.]
très grand {adj}very large
très grand {adj}very tall
très grand {adj} [lit / matelas]king-size [bed / mattress]
2 Words: Nouns
(grand) chapiteau {m} [cirque]big top [main tent at a circus]
anat. grand adducteur {m} [Musculus adductor magnus]adductor magnus (muscle)
grand amateur {m}big fan
grand amateur {m}great fan
éduc. grand amphithéâtre {m}main auditorium
éduc. grand amphithéâtre {m}main lecture hall
sport grand bain {m}deep end [of swimming pool]
sport grand bassin {m} [d'une piscine]swimmer's pool
bicyc. hist. grand bi {m} [aussi : grand-bi]high wheel [also: high wheeler] [penny farthing]
bicyc. hist. grand bi {m} [aussi : grand-bi]high wheeler [penny farthing]
bicyc. hist. grand bi {m} [aussi : grand-bi]penny farthing (bicycle)
cuis. grand bol {m}mixing bowl
math. grand cardinal {m}large cardinal
astron. Grand Chariot {m} [Grande Casserole]Ursa Major
sport grand chelem {m}grand slam
astron. Grand Chien {m} <CMa> [aussi : Grand chien] [constellation]Canis Major [constellation]
géogr. géol. grand Combin {m} [sommet des Alpes suisses]Grand Combin
adm. occup. grand commis {m} [vieilli]top civil servant
adm. occup. grand commis {m} [vieilli]top public servant
adm. occup. grand commis {m} [vieilli]top state official
pol. Grand Conseil {m} [suisse]Grand Council
occup. vêt. grand couturier {m}couturier
cuis. grand crème {m} [fam.]large cup of white coffee
œnol. grand cru {m}great vintage
danse sport grand écart {m}split [gymnastics, dance]
arch. constr. urban grand ensemble {m} [groupe d'habitations](housing) estate
adm. géogr. Grand Est {m} [région administrative française] [région Alsace-Champagne-Ardennes-Lorraine]Grand Est [name since 2016 of the previous regions Alsace, Champagne-Ardennes and Lorraine]
zool. grand félin {m}big cat
zool. grand félin {m}feline predator
photo. tech. grand format {m}large format <LF>
météo. grand frais {m}moderate gale
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