| French  | English |  |
| – |
 | écarter qc. [idée, solution] | 3 to discard sth. [idea, solution] |  |
 | écarter [can.] [s'égarer] | to get lost |  |
 | écarter qc. | to brush sth. aside [e.g. difficulty, idea] |  |
 | écarter qc. [can.] [perdre] | to mislay sth. |  |
 | écarter qc. [danger, soupçon] | to dispel sth. |  |
 | écarter qc. [doigts] | to spread sth. |  |
 | écarter qc. [éloigner] | to move sth. aside |  |
 | écarter qc. [éloigner] | to move sth. away |  |
 | écarter qc. [idée, solution] | to reject sth. |  |
 | écarter qc. [idée, solution] | to scrap sth. [idea, solution] |  |
 | écarter qc. [jambes, doigts] | to splay sth. [legs, fingers] |  |
 | écarter qc. [jambes, genoux] | to open sth. [legs, knees] |  |
 | écarter qc. [lèvres] | to part sth. |  |
 | écarter qc. [objets] | to move sth. further apart |  |
 | écarter qc. [obstacle] | to remove sth. |  |
 | écarter qc. [plan] | to deep-six sth. [plan] [Am.] [coll.] |  |
 | écarter qc. [possibilité] | to preclude sth. |  |
 | écarter qc. [possibilité] | to rule sth. out |  |
 | écarter qc. [refuser - idée] | to dismiss sth. |  |
 | écarter qc. [refuser - idée] | to set sth. aside [dismiss] |  |
 | écarter qc. [risque] | to eliminate sth. |  |
 | écarter qn. | to push sb. aside |  |
 | écarter qn. | to keep sb. at bay |  |
 | écarter qn. | to keep sb. at arm's length |  |
 | écarter qn. [en le poussant] | to shove sb. out of the way |  |
 | écarter qn./qc. | to separate sb./sth. |  |
 | écarter qn./qc. [éloigner] | to pull sb./sth. aside |  |
 | écarter qn./qc. [éloigner] | to pull sb./sth. away |  |
 | s'écarter | to deviate |  |
 | s'écarter | to part [crowd, clouds etc.] |  |
 | s'écarter | to move aside |  |
 | s'écarter | to move away |  |
 | s'écarter | to step aside |  |
 | s'écarter | to move out of the way |  |
 | s'écarter [volets] | to open [shutters] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | écarter qc./qn. de qc. | to move sth./sb. away from sth. |  |
 | écarter qn. de qc. | to keep sb. away from sth. |  |
 | écarter qn. de qc. [groupe] | to exclude sb. from sth. |  |
 | s'écarter de qc. | to move out of the way of sth. |  |
 | s'écarter de qc. [chemin, but, sujet] | to deviate from sth. |  |
 | s'écarter de qc. [chemin] | to stray from sth. |  |
 | s'écarter de qc. [sujet] | to digress from sth. |  |
 | s'écarter de qc. [vérité] | to diverge from sth. |  |
 | s'écarter discrètement | to withdraw discreetly |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | écarter le danger | to ward off the danger |  |
 | écarter les jambes | to spread one's legs |  |
 | meub. écarter les rideaux | to open the curtains |  |
 | écarter qn. d'un geste | to brush sb. off |  |
 | pol. écarter qn. du pouvoir [aspirant] | to cut sb. off from the road to power |  |
 | pol. écarter qn. du pouvoir [homme d'État] | to maneuver sb. out of power [Am.] |  |
 | pol. écarter qn. du pouvoir [homme d'État] | to manoeuvre sb. out of power [Br.] |  |
 | s'écarter du sujet | to get off the subject |  |
 | s'écarter du sujet | to get off the track |  |
 | s'écarter du sujet | to wander off the subject |  |
 | s'écarter du sujet | to go off on a tangent |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | écarter qn. avec les bras | to stiff-arm sb. |  |
 | écarter qn. de son devoir [fig.] | to distract sb. from his duty |  |
 | s'écarter de la norme | to deviate from the norm |  |
 | constr. s'écarter de la verticale [mur] | to be out of plumb |  |
 | s'écarter de son devoir | to fail in one's duty |  |
 | s'écarter du droit chemin [loc.] | to stray from the straight and narrow [idiom] |  |
 | s'écarter l'un de l'autre [chemins] | to diverge [roads] |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | écarter les obstacles de sa route [aussi fig.] | to remove the obstacles from one's path [also fig.] |  |

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