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French-English translation for: [ville]
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Dictionary French English: [ville]

Translation 1 - 50 of 258  >>

French English
accueillant {adj} [ville]friendly
géogr. côtier {adj} [ville, navigation, chemin]coastal
urban étendu {adj} [ville]sprawling
adm. pol. urban hypertrophié {adj} {past-p} [administration, ville]overdeveloped
mil. imprenable {adj} [ville]impregnable
pol. libéré {adj} {past-p} [pays, zone, ville]freed
moyen {adj} [ville, entreprise]medium-sized
urban tentaculaire {adj} [ville]sprawling
trappiste {adj} [relatif à la ville de Trappes][of / from / in the town of Trappes]
s'étendre [ville]
to expand
s'étendre [ville]
to grow
alimenter qc. [ville]to supply sth. [e.g. a town with electricity]
mil. anéantir qc. [ville, région]to lay waste to sth.
mil. bloquer qc. [ville, port]to blockade sth.
contourner qc. [ville, obstacle]to by-pass sth.
contourner qc. [ville]to make a detour around sth.
contourner qc. [ville]to make a detour round sth.
mil. délivrer qc. [ville]to relieve sth. [e.g. town under siege]
trains transp. desservir qc. [station, ville etc.]to call at sth. [station, town etc.]
trains transp. desservir qc. [station, ville etc.]to stop at sth. [station, town etc.]
envahir qc. [peupler une rue, ville]to populate sth.
constr. mil. fortifier qc. [ville]to fortify sth.
géogr. Gqeberha {f} [aussi : Port Elizabeth] [ville d'Afrique du Sud]Gqeberha [also: Port Elizabeth]
électr. mil. occulter qc. [ville, région]to black sth. out
parcourir qc. [ville]to go through sth.
parcourir qc. [ville]to go all over sth.
peupler qc. [région, ville]to people sth.
mil. quadriller qc. [ville]to take control of sth.
constr. urban réaménager qc. [site, ville]to redevelop sth.
rebaptiser qc. [rue, parti, ville]to rename sth.
constr. reconstruire qc. [immeuble, ville]to rebuild sth.
constr. reconstruire qc. [immeuble, ville]to reconstruct sth.
mil. reprendre qc. [position, ville]to retake sth.
mil. reprendre qn./qc. [ville, fugitif]to recapture sb./sth.
urban s'étaler [ville]to spread out
s'éveiller [esprit, ville]to come to life
adm. pol. urban s'hypertrophier [administration, ville]to become overdeveloped
traverser qc. [ville, pays, forêt, tunnel]to pass through sth.
tourisme visiter qc. [musée, ville]to go round sth. [Br.]
armes mil. nucl. vitrifier qc. [ville]to destroy sth. with nuclear weapons
vivifier qc. [région, ville]to breathe new life to sth.
vivifier qc. [région, ville]to bring new life to sth.
vivre [ville, rue]to be full of life
géogr. Aalborg {f} [aussi : Ålborg] [ville du Danemark]Aalborg [also: Ålborg]
géogr. Aarhus {f} [ville du Danemark]Aarhus
géogr. Ahmedabad {f} [ville de l'Inde]Ahmedabad
géogr. Albuquerque {f} [ville de l'État du Nouveau-Mexique, aux États-Unis]Albuquerque [also: Duke City]
géogr. Alicante {f} [ville d'Espagne]Alicante
géogr. Ancône {f} [ville en Italie]Ancona
anéantissement {m} [de ville, pays]destruction
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