| French  | English |  |
 | agité {adj} [vie] | hectic |  |
 | exubérant {adj} [mode de vie, comportement] | flamboyant |  |
 | honnête {adj} [vie] | respectable |  |
 | inanimé {adj} [sans vie] | inanimate [lifeless] |  |
 | inanimé {adj} [sans vie] | lifeless |  |
 | intime {adj} [vie, carnet, journal, conversation] | private |  |
 | itinérant {adj} [vie] | peripatetic |  |
 | médiocre {adj} [vie] | humdrum |  |
 | misérable {adj} [vie, condition] | wretched |  |
 | monotone {adj} [vie] | dreary |  |
 | mouvementé {adj} [vie] | eventful |  |
 | mouvementé {adj} [vie] | turbulent |  |
 | sociol. nomade {adj} [personne, vie, tribu] | itinerant |  |
 | sociol. nomade {adj} [personne, vie, tribu] | nomadic |  |
 | obscur {adj} [labeur, vie] | lowly |  |
 | optimiste {adj} [vis-à-vis de la vie] | positive |  |
 | optimiste {adj} [vis-à-vis de la vie] | life-affirming |  |
 | paisible {adj} [existence, vie, quartier] | quiet [peaceful] |  |
 | réglé {adj} {past-p} [vie, maison] | well-ordered |  |
 | sobre {adj} [vie] | simple |  |
 | terne {adj} [vie, personne, événement, poil] | dull [life, person, event, hair] |  |
 | trépidant {adj} [vie, activité] | hectic |  |
 | vierge {adj} [réputation, vie] | unblemished |  |
Verbs |
 | basculer [match, vie, ambiance] [fig.] | to change radically |  |
 | bouleverser qc. [habitudes, vie, plan] | to change sth. drastically |  |
 | couler [vie, temps] | to slip by [e.g. time] |  |
 | méd. débrancher qn. [fig.] [fam.] [couper un appareil qui maintient en vie] | to pull the plug on sb. [coll.] [idiom] [turn off life support] |  |
 | égayer qc. [journée, vie] | to brighten sth. |  |
 | exposer qc. [vie, réputation] | to risk sth. |  |
 | gâcher qc. [vie, chance] | to chuck sth. away [coll.] |  |
 | gâcher qc. [vie, talent] | to throw sth. away |  |
 | jouer qc. [réputation, vie] | to risk sth. [reputation, life] |  |
 | réorganiser qc. [vie] | to reshape sth. [life] |  |
 | méd. ressusciter qn. [ramener à la vie] | to resuscitate sb. |  |
 | éduc. réussir qc. [vie, éducation] | to make a success of sth. |  |
Nouns |
 | cuis. armagnac {m} [eau-de-vie] | Armagnac (brandy) |  |
 | attrait {m} [de personne, paysage, projet, vie] | appeal |  |
 | attrait {m} [de personne, paysage, projet, vie] | attraction |  |
 | cuis. genièvre {m} [eau-de-vie de genévrier] | Genever gin |  |
 | habitat {m} [environnement de vie] | habitation [act of inhabiting] |  |
 | intrusion {f} [fig.] [vie privée] | invasion [fig.] [privacy] |  |
 | limitation {f} [de vie, activité] | constriction [of life, activity] |  |
 | cuis. prunelle {f} [eau-de-vie] | sloe gin |  |
 | relig. renaissance {f} [vie nouvelle] | rebirth |  |
 | sédentarité {f} [vie non nomade] | settled life [non-nomadic] |  |
 | terrien {m} [qui vie loin des côtes] | landlubber [pej.] [landsman] |  |
 | trame {f} [de vie] | fabric |  |
 | trépidation {f} [de vie] | whirl [of life] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | de star {adj} [style de vie] | glamorous [lifestyle] |  |
 | sans joie {adj} [vie, personne, expression] | joyless |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | être menacé [vie] | to be in danger |  |
 | jouer avec qc. [vie, santé] | to gamble with sth. [life, health] |  |
 | réussir à qn. [aliment, mode de vie, repos] | to do sb. good |  |
 | savoir vivre [profiter de la vie] | to know how to enjoy life |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | faire une parenthèse [loc.] [prendre une pause dans sa vie] | to take a break [idiom] |  |
 | manquer de fantaisie [vie] | to be dull |  |
 | se détacher de qc. [vie, activité] | to lose interest in sth. |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | sociol. entrer dans la clandestinité [vie cachée] | to go underground [lead a clandestine life] |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | pol. sociol. mouvement {m} Black Lives Matter <BLM> [la vie des Noirs compte] | Black Lives Matter <BLM> [an international human rights movement] |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | occup. sociol. équilibre {m} entre vie professionnelle et vie privée | work-life balance |  |