| French | English | |
| cuis. saignant {adj} [viande] | 2 rare [meat] | |
| cuis. [chausson à la viande et aux légumes] | Cornish pasty | |
| cuis. attendri {adj} {past-p} [viande] | tenderised [Br.] | |
| cuis. attendri {adj} {past-p} [viande] | tenderized | |
| cuis. avancé {adj} [pourri - poisson, viande] | bad | |
| cuis. avancé {adj} [pourri - poisson, viande] | off [Br.] [bad] | |
| cuis. avarié {adj} [viande, poisson] | putrid | |
| cuis. avarié {adj} [viande, poisson] | rotten | |
| cuis. avarié {adj} {past-p} [viande, poisson] | spoiled | |
| cuis. avarié {adj} {past-p} [viande, poisson] | tainted [meat, fish] | |
| caoutchouteux {adj} [aussi fig. pour viande dure] | rubbery [also fig. for chewy meat] | |
| coriace {adj} [viande] | chewy [meat] | |
| cuis. dur {adj} [viande] | chewy [meat] | |
| cuis. filandreux {adj} [légume, viande] | stringy | |
| cuis. fondant {adj} [viande] | tender | |
| cuis. maigre {adj} [viande] | lean | |
| cuis. moelleux {adj} [viande] | tender | |
| cuis. persillé {adj} {past-p} [viande] | marbled [meat] | |
| cuis. pourri {adj} [poisson, viande] | bad [rotten] | |
| tendre {adj} [peau, viande] | tender | |
Verbs |
| cuis. trancher qc. [pain, viande] | 2 to slice sth. [bread, meat] | |
| cuis. blanchir qc. [légumes, viande, amandes] | to blanch sth. | |
| alim. cuis. boucaner qc. [viande] | to cure sth. [meat] | |
| alim. cuis. boucaner qc. [viande] | to smoke sth. [meat] | |
| cuis. dégraisser qc. [jambon, viande] | to remove excess fat from sth. [ham, meat] | |
| cuis. dégraisser qc. [jambon, viande] | to trim the fat off sth. | |
| cuis. hacher qc. [viande] | to grind sth. [Am.] [meat] | |
| cuis. inciser qc. [viande, poisson] | to score sth. [meat, fish] | |
| cuis. parer qc. [viande, poisson, volaille] | to dress sth. [meat, fish, poultry] | |
| cuis. parer qc. [viande, poisson, volaille] | to prepare sth. [meat, fish, poultry] | |
| cuis. pourrir [œuf, viande] | to go bad | |
| cuis. pourrir [œuf, viande] | to go off [Br.] | |
| cuis. s'attendrir [viande] | to become tender | |
| cuis. saisir qc. [viande] | to seal sth. [sear] | |
| cuis. saisir qc. [viande] | to sear sth. | |
| cuis. tourner [lait, sauce, viande] | to go off [milk, sauce, meat] | |
Nouns |
| cuis. outil. attendrisseur {m} [écrase-viande] | meat tenderiser [Br.] [implement] | |
| cuis. outil. attendrisseur {m} [écrase-viande] | meat tenderizer [implement] | |
| cuis. biltong {m} [viande séchée typique de la cuisine sud-africaine] | biltong | |
| cuis. boulette {f} [de viande hachée] | meatball | |
| cartilage {m} [viande] | gristle | |
| cuis. zool. cheval {m} [viande] | horsemeat | |
| cuis. dégraissage {m} [d'une viande] | trimming off the fat | |
| cuis. escalope {f} [tranche fine de viande] | escalope | |
| cuis. hachis {m} [de viande] | mince [esp. Br.] | |
| cuis. hachis {m} [de viande] | ground meat [Am.] | |
| cuis. leberkäse {m} [terrine de viande] | [type of meat loaf found in Austria and parts of Germany and Switzerland] | |
| cuis. moelleux {m} [de viande] | tenderness | |
| morceau {m} [viande] | cut [meat] | |
| cuis. onglet {m} [viande] | hanger steak | |
| cuis. onglet {m} [viande] | prime cut of beef | |
| cuis. part {f} [viande, riz, etc.] | helping | |
| cuis. part {f} [viande, riz, etc.] | portion [meat, rice etc.] | |
| cuis. parures {f.pl} [de viande, poisson, légume] | trimmings | |
| cuis. salaison {f} [viande] | salt meat | |
| cuis. tataki {m} [plat composé de viande ou de poisson, brièvement saisis et marinés dans le vinaigre, puis coupés en tranches et assaisonnés] | tataki | |
2 Words: Others |
| cuis. à point {adj} [viande] | medium rare [meat] | |
| cuis. non avarié {adj} {past-p} [viande, poisson] | untainted [meat, fish] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| cuis. être avarié [viande, poisson] | to be off [meat, fish] | |
| cuis. faire revenir qc. [viande, poisson, légumes] | to braise sth. lightly | |
| cuis. se gâter [viande] | to spoil | |
| cuis. se gâter [viande] | to go bad | |
| cuis. se gâter [viande] | to go off [Br.] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| cuis. fromage {m} d'Italie [suisse] [terrine de viande] | [type of meat loaf found in Austria and parts of Germany and Switzerland] | |
3 Words: Others |
| cuis. de premier choix {adj} [viande] | prime [top grade] | |
| cuis. Je l'aime bleu. [steak, viande] | I like it very rare. | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| cuis. être en morceaux [viande] | to be in cubes | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| cuis. boulettes {f.pl} de Königsberg [boulettes de viande, dans une sauce blanche avec des câpres] | German meatballs in caper sauce | |
| cuis. carbonade {f} de bœuf [aussi : carbonnade de bœuf] [viande de bœuf braisée à la bière] | beef carbonnade | |
| cuis. chair {f} à saucisse [viande de porc avec lard, eau, couenne] | sausage meat | |