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French-English translation for: [traité]
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Dictionary French English: [traité]

Translation 1 - 25 of 25

French English
pol. allié {adj} {past-p} [par un traité]allied
inapplicable {adj} [clause, traité]unenforceable
pol. conclure qc. [alliance, traité]to enter into sth. [agree]
dr. pol. conclure qc. [traité]to sign sth.
déguster [fam.] [être mal traité]to have a rough time
dr. dénoncer qc. [traité, contrat]to (legally) terminate sth.
dr. pol. souscrire qc. [contrat, traite]to sign sth.
dr. pol. annulation {f} [de traité]revocation
arts littérat. théâtre dramaturgie {f} [traité]treatise on dramatic art
fin. versement {m} [traite]installment [Am.]
fin. versement {m} [traite]instalment
2 Words
hist. pol. paix {f} d'Amasya [1555] [aussi : traité d'Amasya]Peace of Amasya [1555] [between Safavid Iran and the Ottoman Empire]
3 Words
fin. arriver à échéance [loyer, traite, emprunt]to fall due
fin. venir à échéance [loyer, traite, emprunt]to fall due
hist. pol. Marie-Louise {f} d'Autriche [1791-1847] [fille aînée de François I d'Autriche, elle est donnée en mariage en 1810 à l'empereur des Français Napoléon I pour sceller le traité de Schönbrunn]Marie Louise of Austria [1791-1847] [Napoleon's 2nd wife, Empress of the French 1810-1814, Duchess of Parma 1814-1847]
hist. pol. paix {f} de Presbourg [1491] [aussi : traité de Presbourg]Peace of Pressburg [1491] [also: Treaty of Pressburg] [between Austria and Hungary]
fin. hist. pol. traité {m} de Barwald [1631] [aussi : traité de Bärwalde]Treaty of Bärwalde [1631] [agreement by France to provide Sweden financial support in the Thirty Years' War]
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Brétigny [1360] [traité de Calais]Treaty of Brétigny [Treaty signed in 1360 between King Edward III of England and King John II of France, marking the end of the first phase of the 100 Years' War]
hist. pol. traité {m} de Cherasco [1631] [aussi : traité de Querasque]Treaty of Cherasco [1631]
hist. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1229] [aussi: traité de Meaux-Paris] [prépare le rattachement des pays occitans au domaine royal capétien]Treaty of Paris [1229] [also: Treaty of Meaux]
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1259] [aussi : traité d'Abbeville]Treaty of Paris [1259] [also: Treaty of Abbeville] [between Kings of France and England, ending 100 years of conflicts between the Capetian and Plantagenet dynasties]
hist. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1806] [aussi : traité de la confédération du Rhin]Treaty of Paris [1806] [creating the Confederation of the Rhine]
hist. pol. traité {m} de Schönbrunn [1809] [aussi : traité de Vienne]Treaty of Schönbrunn [1809] [also: Peace of Schönbrunn or Treaty of Vienna] [after France's victory at Wagram, signed between France and Austria, ending the 5th Coalition]
hist. pol. traité {m} de Tientsin [1858] [aussi : traité de Tianjin]Treaty of Tientsin [1858] [also: Treaty of Tianjin]
4 Words
hist. pol. traité {m} de Tien-Tsin [1885] [aussi : Traité de Paix, d'amitié et de commerce entre la Chine et la France]Treaty of Tianjin [1885]
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