| French  | English |  |
 | lequel {pron} [dans les autres cas] [en fonction de sujet ou d'objet] | 23 which |  |
 | chaud {adj} [dossier, sujet] | sensitive [e.g. subject] |  |
 | délicat {adj} [sujet] | touchy [subject] |  |
 | divers {adj} [multiple - sujet] | complex |  |
 | douteux {adj} [suspect, sujet à caution] | dubious [suspect] |  |
 | lequel {pron} [représentant une personne] [en fonction de sujet] | who |  |
 | méd. maladif {adj} [de constitution fragile, sujet à être souvent malade] | ailing |  |
 | méd. maladif {adj} [de constitution fragile, sujet à être souvent malade] | poorly [Br.] [in poor health] |  |
 | méd. maladif {adj} [de constitution fragile, sujet à être souvent malade] | off-color [Am.] [unwell] |  |
 | méd. maladif {adj} [de constitution fragile, sujet à être souvent malade] | off-colour [Br.] [unwell] |  |
 | passionnel {adj} [sujet, langage] | emotive |  |
 | rébarbatif {adj} [sujet, tâche] | daunting |  |
 | usé {adj} {past-p} [sujet, plaisanterie] | hackneyed |  |
Verbs |
 | aborder qc. [sujet] | to broach sth. [subject] |  |
 | amener qc. [sujet, question] | to introduce sth. |  |
 | amener qc. [sujet, question] | to bring sth. up |  |
 | cerner qc. [fig.] [sujet, problème] | to home in on sth. [focus on] |  |
 | circonscrire qc. [sujet, domaine] | to limit sth. |  |
 | creuser qc. [question, sujet, théorie] | to research sth. |  |
 | creuser qc. [question, sujet, théorie] | to go into sth. in depth |  |
 | délimiter qc. [sujet] | to define sth. [delimit] |  |
 | délimiter qc. [sujet] | to delimit sth. |  |
 | discuter qc. [débattre - sujet, question] | to consider sth. [discuss] |  |
 | dominer qc. [langue, technique, sujet, émotion] | to master sth. |  |
 | effleurer qc. [sujet] | to touch on sth. |  |
 | effleurer qc. [sujet] | to touch upon sth. |  |
 | entamer qc. [sujet] | to introduce sth. [topic] |  |
 | fouiller qc. [sujet, question] | to examine sth. closely |  |
 | posséder qc. [sujet, matière, technique] | to have a thorough knowledge of sth. |  |
 | prendre qc. [sujet, question] | to choose sth. [e.g. a subject] |  |
 | éduc. proposer qc. [sujet, question] | to set sth. |  |
 | rétrécir qc. [sujet, champ d'investigation] | to narrow down sth. |  |
Nouns |
 | ampleur {f} [de projet, sujet, d'étude] | scope |  |
 | enjeu {m} [question, sujet] | concern [issue] |  |
 | méd. malade {m} [sujet atteint] | sufferer |  |
 | question {f} [sujet] | matter [question] |  |
 | risée {f} [sujet de moquerie] | laughing stock |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | glisser sur qc. [sujet, question] | to skate over sth. [idiom] |  |
 | manquer à qn. [inversion sujet/objet] | to miss sb. [long for] |  |
 | passer à qc. [prochain sujet] | to proceed to sth. |  |
 | passer à qc. [prochain sujet] | to segue into sth. |  |
 | passer à qc. [prochain sujet] | to switch to sth. |  |
 | passer à qc. [prochain sujet] | to transition to sth. |  |
 | passer à qc. [prochain sujet] | to move on to sth. |  |
 | passer à qc. [prochain sujet] | to press on with sth. |  |
 | s'écarter de qc. [chemin, but, sujet] | to deviate from sth. |  |
 | s'écarter de qc. [sujet] | to digress from sth. |  |
 | s'éloigner de qc. [sujet] | to stray from sth. |  |
 | se discuter [sujet, question] | to be debated |  |
 | se discuter [sujet, question] | to be a subject for discussion |  |
 | traiter (de) qc. [question, sujet] | to deal with sth. |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | Nous y voilà. [au cœur du sujet] | Now we're getting there. |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | éduc. se spécialiser en qc. [sujet] | to major in sth. |  |
 | éduc. se spécialiser en qc. [sujet] | to specialise in sth. [Br.] |  |
 | éduc. se spécialiser en qc. [sujet] | to specialize in sth. |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | géogr. pol. république {f} de l'Altaï [sujet en Sibérie de la fédération de Russie] | Altai Republic [also: Gorno-Altai Republic] |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | être la fable de la ville [le sujet de conversation] | to be the talk of the town |  |