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French-English translation for: [style]
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Dictionary French English: [style]

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abondant {adj} [style]rich
achevé {adj} {past-p} [œuvre, style, technique]accomplished
aisé {adj} [style]flowing [style]
ampoulé {adj} [style, expression]bombastic
ampoulé {adj} [style, expression]fustian [fig.]
ampoulé {adj} [style, expression]overblown
ampoulé {adj} [style, expression]pompous
ampoulé {adj} [style, expression]sesquipedalian
ampoulé {adj} [style, expression]turgid [fig.]
bâtard {adj} [solution, œuvre, style]hybrid
composé {adj} [style]composite
coulant {adj} {pres-p} [style]flowing
débraillé {adj} [tenue, style]sloppy [dress, style]
désuet {adj} [manière, style]old-fashioned
empesé {adj} [air, style, personne]starchy [person]
énergique {adj} [fig.] [style]lively
énergique {adj} [personne, style]punchy
exubérant {adj} [personne, gestes, joie, œuvre, style]exuberant
ling. familier {adj} [mot, tournure, style]informal
filandreux {adj} [exposé, style, explication]rambling
guindé {adj} {past-p} [style]stilted
inexpressif {adj} [style]inexpressive
insipide {adj} [style]vapid
relig. jésuite {adj} [noviciat, style]Jesuit
lourd {adj} [style]ponderous
nourri {adj} [style]luxuriant
ornemental {adj} [style, motif]decorative
particulier {adj} [style, mœurs]odd
pâteux {adj} [discours, style]turgid
prosaïque {adj} [style]matter-of-fact
raide {adj} [guindé - style]wooden [stiff]
ling. relâché {adj} [style]careless
ling. relâché {adj} [style]lax
relâché {adj} [style]slipshod
relâché {adj} [style]sloppy
substantif {adj} [style]nominal
abâtardir qc. [sentiment, vertu, style]to debase sth.
abâtardir qc. [sentiment, vertu, style]to degrade sth. [debase]
littérat. affermir qc. [rendre plus défini] [style, écriture]to sharpen up
cadencer qc. [phrase, style]to give rhythm to sth.
châtier qc. [style]to polish sth.
dominer qc. [style, débat]to predominate in sth.
épurer qc. [style, goût]to refine sth.
imposer qc. [style, mode]to set sth. [style, fashion]
lancer qc. [style, mode]to introduce sth.
pasticher qc. [style]to imitate sth.
renouveler qc. [genre, style]to revitalise sth. [Br.]
renouveler qc. [genre, style]to revitalize sth. [Am.]
s'abâtardir [style]to become debased
s'affermir [style, écriture]to become sharper
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