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French-English translation for: [side-effect]
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Dictionary French English: [side effect]

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lié {adj} [en rapport avec]incidental [occurring as a side-effect]
paralysant {adj} {pres-p} [effet]crippling [effect]
biol. effet {m} Wallacereinforcement [also: Wallace effect]
agir [avoir un effet]to work [take effect]
photo. effet {m} yeux rougesred-eye effect [also: red eye effect]
se sentir [être perceptible]to be felt [e.g. effect of sth.]
avoir une incidence sur qc.to impinge on sth. [to have an effect]
avoir une incidence sur qc.to impinge upon sth. [to have an effect]
continuer de faire qc. [produire toujours le même effet]to keep doing sth. [always producing the same effect]
lit {m} de Procuste [fig.]Procrustean bed [fig.] [measure having the effect of enforcing conformity]
écon. pol. événement {m} du cygne noirblack swan event [event that comes as a surprise and has a major effect]
phys. diffusion {f} Compton [aussi : effet Compton]Compton scattering [also: Compton effect]
écon. effet {m} Balassa-SamuelsonBalassa–Samuelson effect [also: Harrod–Balassa–Samuelson effect]
géogr. hist. pol. traité {m} de paix de Delft [réconciliation de Delft] [1428]Treaty of Delft [Reconciliation of Delft] [in 1428, ended hostilities between Duke of Burgundy and Countess of Holland, Zeeland and Hainaut to effect that the Duke would administer these lands]
hist. mil. infanterie {f} de ligneline infantry [two to four ranks of foot soldiers drawn up side by side in rigid alignment, 17C-19C]
cuis. garnitures {f.pl}accompaniments [side dishes]
accolé {adj}placed side by side
favoris {m.pl}sideboards [Br.] [dated] [side whiskers]
bon côté {m}right side [correct side]
côte à côte {adv}side by side
naut. bâbord {m}larboard [obs.] [left side of ship]
coude à coude {adv} [fig.]side by side
juxtaposer qc.to place sth. side by side
osciller [tête]to roll from side to side
de l'autre côté de {prep}across [opposite side of]
à l'écart {adv}apart [on one side, separated, secluded]
revers {m} [côté opposé, échec]reverse [other / reverse side, setback]
sport brasse {f} indienne [aussi : nage indienne]sidestroke [also: side stroke]
trafic bas-côté {m}verge [Br.] [by side of a road]
de l'autre côté {adv}across [on or to the other side]
passer qc. de frontto go through sth. side by side
au côté droit {adv}on the right [on the right-hand side]
d'un côté à l'autre {adv}across [from one side to the other]
arch. mil. contrescarpe {f}counterscarp [outer side of a ditch or moat used in fortifications]
arch. mil. escarpement {m}scarp [inner side of a ditch or moat used in fortifications]
pour plus de sûreté {adv}for good measure [to be on the safe side]
d'un côté à l'autre de {prep}across [from one side to the other of]
littérat. F Le miroir se brisaThe Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side [Agatha Christie]
border qc. [longer]to border sth. [run along side]
géogr. cismontane {adj}cismontane [situated on the nearer side of any mountains]
naut. bâbord {adj}larboard [obs.] [located on the left side of the ship]
anat. temporal {adj}temporal [on the side of the head]
cuis. garniture {f} Clamart [tartelettes de petits pois à la française sur un petit fond de pommes Macaire][side dish of small tarts of peas with crisp fried potato cakes]
géogr. hist. pol. royaume {m} de NavarreKingdom of Navarre [Basque kingdom that occupied lands on either side of the western Pyrenees, alongside the Atlantic Ocean between present-day Spain and France between 824 and 1620]
hist. pol. traité {f} de Vereeniging [1902]Treaty of Vereeniging [1902] [ended the Second Boer War between the South African Republic and the Orange Free State, on the one side, and the United Kingdom on the other]
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