| French | English | |
| consistant {adj} [repas, investissement] | substantial | |
| cuis. copieux {adj} [repas] | substantial | |
| délicieux {adj} [repas; aussi personne] | scrumptious [coll.] [food; also person] | |
| cuis. délicieux {adj} [repas] | delectable | |
| cuis. délicieux {adj} [repas] | scrummy [coll.] | |
| cuis. délicieux {adj} [repas] | yummy [coll.] | |
| cuis. fameux {adj} [fam.] [repas] | delicious | |
| frugal {adj} [personne, repas] | frugal | |
| gonflé {adj} {past-p} [après un repas] | bloated | |
| hâtif {adj} [rapide - travail, repas] | hurried | |
| hâtif {adj} [rapide - travail, repas] | rushed | |
| cuis. maigre {adj} [repas] | without meat | |
| maigre {adj} [talents, repas] | meager [Am.] | |
| maigre {adj} [talents, repas] | meagre [Br.] | |
| plantureux {adj} [repas] | lavish | |
| sommaire {adj} [conditions, repas, tenue] | poor | |
| substantiel {adj} [repas] | filling | |
| substantiel {adj} [repas] | satiating | |
| substantiel {adj} [repas] | satisfying | |
Verbs |
| cuis. arroser qc. [repas, plat] | to wash sth. down with a drink | |
| conclure qc. [terminer - repas] | to finish sth. | |
| conclure qc. [terminer - repas] | to round sth. off | |
| cuis. confectionner qc. [repas] | to prepare sth. [meal] | |
| décaler qc. [avancé] [repas, horaire] | to bring sth. forward [meal, timetable] | |
| expédier qc. [bâcler] [travail, repas] [fam.] | to polish sth. off [coll.] | |
| cuis. passer [aliment, repas] | to go down [food] | |
| rendre qc. [fam.] [vomir - repas] | to vomit sth. | |
| cuis. soigner qc. [être attentif à - repas] | to take trouble over the preparation of sth. | |
| vomir qc. [repas, nourriture] | to bring sth. up | |
Nouns |
| cuis. ethn. bento {m} [repas individuel complet traditionnel de la culture japonaise, prêt à consommer] | bento | |
| cuis. géogr. brasucade {f} [repas festif organisé dans le Languedoc-Roussillon] | [celebratory meal, generally in open air, generally including mussels, typical of the Languedoc-Roussillon region] | |
| cuis. collation {f} [repas] | light meal | |
| cuis. dînette {f} [fam.] [rare] [repas léger] | light meal | |
| festin {m} [repas abondant] | feast [huge meal] | |
| cuis. grillade {f} [repas] | barbecue | |
| cuis. parrillada {f} [repas convivial] | barbeque | |
| cuis. plateau {m} [plus grand plat; repas] | platter [very large flat plate; assorted meal] | |
| cuis. rogatons {m.pl} [reste de repas] | leftovers | |
| cuis. suite {f} [repas] | next course [meal] | |
2 Words: Others |
| cuis. VocVoy. C'était bon ? [fam.] [le repas] | Did you enjoy your meal? | |
| sans façon {adj} [repas] | informal | |
| très léger {adj} [repas] | sketchy [coll.] [meal: slight, meagre] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| cuis. agrémenter qc. de qc. [repas, plat] | to supplement sth. with sth. | |
| renoncer à qc. [repas] | to forgo sth. | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| cuis. en-cas {m} [repas léger] | snack | |
| arts relig. la Cène {f} [dernier repas] | the Last Supper | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| cuis. attendre la suite [du repas] | to wait for the next course [meal] | |
| se passer de qc. [repas, nourriture, sommeil] | to go without sth. | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| relig. réveillon {m} (de Noël) [repas] | Christmas dinner | |
4 Words: Others |
| cuis. VocVoy. Apportez-moi la suite. [pendant un repas] | Bring me the next course. | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| réveillon {m} (du Nouvel An) [repas] | New Year's Eve dinner | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| réveillon {m} (de la Saint Sylvestre) [repas] | New Year's Eve dinner | |