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French-English translation for: [projet]
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Dictionary French English: [projet]

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autonome {adj} [projet]self-contained [project]
aventureux {adj} [dangereux - projet]chancy
aventureux {adj} [dangereux - projet]risky
beau {adj} [temps, spécimen, discours, projet]fine
branlant {adj} [situation, projet, raisonnement, régime]shaky [fig.]
chimérique {adj} [projet, espoir]wild [unrealistic]
compromis {adj} [carrière, résultat, projet]in jeopardy
exaltant {adj} {pres-p} [projet, travail, musique]inspiring
foireux {adj} [projet]half-baked [coll.]
impraticable {adj} [projet]impracticable
indistinct {adj} [projet]not fully developed [project]
mobilisateur {adj} [projet, activité]stimulating
primitif {adj} [projet, état]original
séduisant {adj} {pres-p} [projet, idée]appealing
valable {adj} [œuvre, projet]worthwhile
vaste {adj} [programme, projet, entreprise]massive
entamer qc. [commencer] [projet]
to undertake sth. [project]
aboutir [projet]to be a success
administrer qc. [entreprise, projet]to manage sth. [administer]
adopter qc. [projet]to take sth. up [e.g. a project]
approuver qc. [action, décision, projet]to approve of sth.
adm. pol. approuver qc. [projet de loi, décret]to pass sth.
boucler qc. [enquête, projet]to complete sth.
comm. fin. cautionner qn./qc. [personne, projet]to stand surety for sb./sth.
contrarier qc. [projet, volonté, ambition]to frustrate sth. [thwart]
contrarier qc. [projet, volonté, ambition]to thwart sth.
contrecarrer qc. [effort, projet]to foil sth.
contrecarrer qc. [effort, projet]to scotch sth.
contrecarrer qc. [effort, projet]to thwart sth.
craquer [fam.] [s'effondrer - institution, projet]to founder [e.g. a project]
craquer [fam.] [s'effondrer - institution, projet]to be falling apart [e.g. a project]
craquer [fam.] [s'effondrer - institution, projet]to be on the verge of collapse [e.g. a project]
démarrer qc. [campagne électorale, projet]to get sth. off the ground
écon. méd. démolir qc. [projet, santé]to ruin sth.
démolir qc. [projet]to play havoc with sth.
dr. pol. déposer qc. [faire enregistrer] [projet de loi]to introduce sth. [draft of new law]
pol. discuter qc. [débattre - projet de loi]to debate sth.
ébaucher qc. [tableau, roman, sculpture, fig. : projet, sourire]to draft sth. [letter, speech, bill, contract]
entamer qc. [commencer] [projet]to tackle sth. [project]
enterrer qc. [projet]to shelve sth.
entraver qc. [initiative, projet]to get in the way of sth.
exécuter qc. [ordre, projet]to carry sth. out
former qc. [projet]to conceive sth. [project]
geler qc. [projet, production, processus]to suspend sth.
geler qc. [projet]to mothball sth. [fig.] [project]
geler qc. [projet]to put sth. on ice [fig.] [project]
matérialiser qc. [projet]to make sth. happen
mûrir qc. [projet]to develop sth.
pol. présenter qc. [proposition, projet de loi]to introduce sth. [propose]
réaliser qc. [projet, etc.]to carry sth. out [task etc.]
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