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French-English translation for: [police]
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Dictionary French English: [police]

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dr. dénoncé {adj} {past-p}  la police]denounced
dr. dénoncé {adj} {past-p}  la police]reported [to the police]
dr. mil. pol. intervenir [armée, police, pompiers, gouvernement]
to intervene
dr. soudoyer qn. [police, politicien]
to bribe sb.
inquiéter qn. [par la police, etc.]
to investigate sb.
prévenir qn./qc. [médecin, police]to call sb./sth.
enquête {f} [journaliste, police]
brigadier {m} [police]police sergeant
occup. commissaire {m} [police]superintendent [Br.] [police]
dr. commissariat {m} [de police]police station
condé {m} [fam.] [agent de police]cop [coll.] [policeman]
dr. descente {f} [de police]raid [by police]
mil. escadron {m} [de chasseurs, gendarmerie, police, militaire]echelon
aviat. mil. escadron {m} [de chasseurs, gendarmerie, police, militaire]squadron
occup. flic {m} [fam.] [agent de police]copper [Br.] [sl.] [policeman]
dr. flic {m} [fam.] [agent de police]rozzer [Br.] [sl.] [dated] [policeman]
matraque {f} [de police]baton
matraque {f} [de police]truncheon [Br.]
matraque {f} [de police]billy club [Am.]
matraque {f} [de police]night stick [Am.]
planque {f} [police] [lieu pour surveiller à l'abri des regards]stakeout [police]
2 Words
VocVoy. J'ai besoin ... [d'essence / d'un mécanicien / de la police, etc.]I need ... [some petrol / a service engineer / the police, etc.]
bœuf-carottes [fam.] {m.pl} [la police des polices]rat squad [coll.] [police internal affairs and anti-corruption department]
dr. tourisme fiche {f} d'hôtel [fiche individuelle de police]registration form
dr. VocVoy. police {f} secours [centrale téléphonique de police]police emergency call center [Am.]
dr. VocVoy. police {f} secours [centrale téléphonique de police]police emergency call centre [Br.]
3 Words
dr. conclure au meurtre [police]to conclude that it was murder
être en maraude [taxi, police]to cruise
adm. dr. se faire contrôler [par un agent de police]to have one's ID checked
4 Words
dr. se mettre au vert [fam.] [fig.] [fuir la police]to go on the run
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