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French-English translation for: [passage]
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Dictionary French English: [passage]

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trafic barré {adj} {past-p} [passage]blocked [thoroughfare]
dégager qc. [route, passage]to clear sth.
démasquer qc. [passage, secret]to discover sth.
éduc. expliquer qc. [passage]to analyse sth. [Br.]
éduc. expliquer qc. [passage]to analyze sth.
éduc. expliquer qc. [passage]to comment on sth.
fermer qc. [conduit, passage]to close off sth.
trafic resserrer qc. [passage, route]to narrow sth.
retrancher qc. [mot, phrase, passage]to cut sth. out
supprimer qc. [service, passage d'un texte]to drop sth. [omit deliberately]
allée {f} [passage]aisle
agr. bovistop {m} [suisse] [passage canadien] [aussi : bovi-stop]cattle grid [Br.]
agr. bovistop {m} [suisse] [passage canadien] [aussi : bovi-stop]cattle guard [Am.]
boyau {m} [passage]back alley [Br.]
mus. colorature {f} [passage de musique]coloratura
passe {f} [transmission de ballon, passage navigable, passage dans un programme]pass [ball transfer, river channel, single scan through a set of data or program]
passe {m} [permit de passage, laisser-passer, can. : titre de transport (abonnement)]pass [card or document giving entry, access to transport etc.]
mus. RadioTV reprise {f} [passage musical, programme]repeat [music passage, TV programme]
sifflement {m} [au passage d'une femme]wolf whistle [coll.]
arch. urban traboule {f} [régional] [passage direct entre 2 rues]alleyway
arch. urban traboule {f} [régional] [passage direct entre 2 rues]passageway
2 Words: Verbs
déboucher sur qc. [rue, passage]to open onto sth.
2 Words: Nouns
agr. bovi-stop {m} [bovistop] [suisse] [passage canadien]cattle grate [Aus.] [cattle grid]
agr. bovi-stop {m} [bovistop] [suisse] [passage canadien]cattle grid [Br.]
agr. bovi-stop {m} [bovistop] [suisse] [passage canadien]cattle guard [Am.]
agr. bovi-stop {m} [bovistop] [suisse] [passage canadien]cattle stop [NZ] [cattle grid, cattlegrid]
agr. bovi-stop {m} [bovistop] [suisse] [passage canadien]Texas gate [Am., regional] [Can.] [cattle guard, cattle grid]
agr. trafic bovis stop {m} [suisse] [passage canadien]cattle grid [Br.]
agr. trafic bovis stop {m} [suisse] [passage canadien]cattle guard [Am.]
agr. zool. bovis-stop {m} [suisse] [passage canadien] [aussi : bovis stop]cattle grid [Br.]
agr. zool. bovis-stop {m} [suisse] [passage canadien] [aussi : bovis stop]cattle guard [Am.]
agr. zool. bovis-stop {m} [suisse] [passage canadien] [aussi : bovis stop]stock grid [Aus.]
3 Words: Others
à la volée {adv} [au passage]in passing
3 Words: Nouns
géogr. îles {f.pl} Vierges espagnoles [aussi : îles du Passage ou îles vierges portoricaines] [administrativement partie de Porto Rico]Spanish Virgin Islands [also: Passage Islands or Puerto Rican Virgin Islands] [part of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico]
va-et-vient {m} [passage]coming and going
4 Words: Nouns
géogr. hist. mil. bataille {f} de la Bérézina [1812] [aussi : passage de la Bérézina ou bataille de Borissov]Battle of (the) Berezina [1812] [also: Battle of Beresina] [final conflict in Napoleon's retreat from Moscow. The Russians inflicted heavy losses on the French but the outcome was not decisive]
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