| French  | English |  |
 | constr. branlant {adj} [mur, mât] | unstable |  |
 | constr. branlant {adj} [mur, mât] | wobbly |  |
 | constr. costaud {adj} [mur, maison] | sturdily built |  |
 | extérieur {adj} [mur, boulevard] | outer |  |
 | extérieur {adj} [mur, escalier, température] | outside |  |
 | lézardé {adj} {past-p} [mur, etc.] | cracked [wall etc.] |  |
 | constr. pourri {adj} [mur] | crumbling |  |
Verbs |
 | épingler qc. [au mur, etc.] | 4 to pin sth. [to the wall etc.] |  |
 | saper qc. [mur, falaise, moral] | 3 to undermine sth. [wall, cliff, morale] |  |
 | percer qc. [mur, bois] | 2 to drill sth. [bore a hole through] |  |
 | constr. abattre qc. [mur, bâtiment, etc.] | to tear sth. down |  |
 | constr. bomber [mur] | to bulge out |  |
 | arch. constr. chaperonner qc. [mur] | to cope sth. [wall] |  |
 | constr. consolider qc. [mur] | to strengthen sth. |  |
 | constr. crevasser qc. [mur, terre] | to crack sth. [wall, ground] |  |
 | constr. crevasser qc. [mur, terre] | to fissure sth. [wall, ground] |  |
 | constr. déchausser qc. [mur] | to expose the foundations of sth. |  |
 | constr. décrépir qc. [mur, surface] | to remove roughcast from sth. |  |
 | constr. décrépir qc. [mur] | to strip the render off sth. [wall] |  |
 | constr. défoncer qc. [démolir - mur] | to demolish sth. |  |
 | constr. défoncer qc. [démolir - mur] | to knock sth. down |  |
 | constr. détruire qc. [clôture, mur] | to demolish sth. |  |
 | constr. détruire qc. [clôture, mur] | to knock sth. down |  |
 | tech. égrener qc. [mur, plâtre, fer] | to smooth sth. off |  |
 | constr. élever qc. [barrière, barricade, mur] | to put sth. up [construct] |  |
 | constr. étayer qc. [mur] | to buttress sth. |  |
 | constr. étayer qc. [mur] | to underpin sth. |  |
 | étayer qc. [mur] | to prop sth. up |  |
 | constr. étayer qc. [mur] | to shore up sth. |  |
 | franchir qc. [mur, barrière, clôture] | to get over sth. |  |
 | constr. maintenir qc. [bâtiment, mur] | to support sth. |  |
 | constr. sylv. pencher [objet, tour, arbre, mur] | to lean |  |
 | percer qc. [mur, bois] | to bore a hole through sth. |  |
 | placarder qc. [mur] | to cover sth. with posters |  |
 | constr. plâtrer qc. [mur, etc.] | to plaster sth. [wall etc.] |  |
 | constr. relever qc. [mur] | to rebuild sth. |  |
 | constr. repiquer qc. [mur] | to key sth. [e.g. a wall] |  |
 | constr. retomber [mur, livres empilés] | to fall back down |  |
 | constr. retomber [mur, livres empilés] | to fall down again |  |
 | constr. revêtir qc. [bâtiment, façade, mur] | to face sth. [building, façade, wall] |  |
 | constr. s'incliner [être penché - mur] | to lean (over) |  |
 | constr. surélever qc. [mur] | to heighten sth. |  |
 | constr. surélever qc. [mur] | to raise sth. |  |
Nouns |
 | constr. abattage {m} [d'un mur, d'une maison] | knocking down |  |
 | brèche {f} [dans un mur] | hole |  |
 | arch. catelle {f} [suisse] [carreau de mur] | ceramic tile |  |
 | arch. enceinte {f} [mur] | surrounding wall |  |
 | sport fronton {m} [à la pelote basque] [mur] | front wall |  |
 | arch. guichet {m} [dans mur, porte] | grille |  |
 | constr. meub. tech. habillage {m} [de siège, mur] | covering |  |
 | constr. latte {f} [de plafond, mur] | lath |  |
 | constr. murger {m} [mur de pierres sèches] | dry stone dyke [Br.] |  |
 | constr. murger {m} [mur de pierres sèches] | dry stone wall |  |
 | pan {m} [partie du mur] | section of a wall |  |
 | constr. plinthe {f} [de mur] | baseboard [Am.] [Can.] |  |
 | constr. plinthe {f} [de mur] | skirting board [Br.] |  |
 | audio sonorité {f} [d'un plancher, mur] | resonance |  |
 | audio sonorité {f} [d'un plancher, mur] | sonority |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | arch. constr. adosser à qc. [mur, porte] | to abut on sth. |  |
 | s'adosser à qc. [mur, porte] | to lean against sth. |  |
 | constr. se décrépir [façade, mur] | to crumble |  |
 | se tasser [mur] | to settle [e.g. a wall] |  |
 | se tasser [mur] | to subside [e.g. a wall] |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | arts couvert de graffitis {adj} {past-p} [mur, façade] | covered in graffiti |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | être séparé par qc. [rivière, mur] | to be separated by sth. |  |
 | se prolonger jusqu'à qc. [chemin, route, voie ferrée, mur, clôture] | to extend as far as sth. |  |
 | se prolonger jusqu'à qc. [chemin, route, voie ferrée, mur, clôture] | to go as far as sth. |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | dégouliner le long de qc. [mur, fenêtre] | to trickle down sth. |  |
 | constr. s'écarter de la verticale [mur] | to be out of plumb |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | arch. relig. monument {m} international de la Réformation [Genève] [aussi : mur des réformateurs] | International Monument to the Reformation [also: Reformation Wall] |  |