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French-English translation for: [fromage]
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Dictionary French English: [fromage]

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cuis. coulant {adj} [fromage]runny
cuis. moelleux {adj} [fromage]creamy [cheese]
cuis. nature {adj} [yaourt, fromage blanc]natural
cuis. tartinable {adj} [beurre, fromage]spreadable
cuis. tartinable {adj} [beurre, fromage]easy to spread [postpos.]
alim. cuis. affiner qc. [fromage]to mature sth. [e.g. cheese]
cuis. couler [fromage]to go runny [e.g. cheese]
alim. égoutter qc. [fromage]to strain sth.
cuis. filer [fromage fondu]to go stringy
cuis. mouliner qc. [fromage]to grate sth.
cuis. croûte {f} [fromage]
rind [cheese]
affinage {m} [fromage]ripening process
cuis. appenzel {m} [fromage suisse]Appenzeller [cheese]
cuis. appenzel {m} [fromage suisse]Appenzell (cheese)
cuis. Babybel® {m} [fromage]Babybel® [cheese]
cuis. bleu {m} [fromage]blue cheese
cuis. burrata {f} [fromage italien]burrata
cuis. cottage {m} [fromage]cottage cheese
cuis. égouttage {m} [de fromage] [aussi : égouttement]straining
cuis. égouttement {m} [de fromage]straining
cuis. faisselle {f} [fromage blanc]quark [a kind of fromage blanc]
agr. maturation {f} [fruit, fromage]ripening
cuis. meule {f} [fromage]round [cheese]
cuis. munster {m} [fromage alsacien]Munster [Alsatian cheese]
cuis. panir {m} [aussi : paneer] [fromage indien et pakistanais]paneer
cuis. pavé {m} [viand, fromage, gâteau]slab
alim. cuis. prise {f} [durcissement - d'un fromage]hardening
cuis. rebibe {f} [suisse] [copeau] [de fromage, bois]shaving [wood, cheese shaving]
cuis. veinure {f} [du fromage]vein [of cheese]
2 Words: Nouns
cuis. fourme {f} d'Ambert [fromage français à base de lait de vache de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes]fourme d'Ambert
cuis. vacherin {m} fribourgeois [fromage][Swiss cheese produced in the Canton of Fribourg]
3 Words: Nouns
cuis. vacherin {m} des Bauges [fromage] [aussi : vacherine de Savoie][French cheese produced in the Savoie region]
cuis. vacherin {m} mont-d'or [fromage] [aussi : Mont d'or][Swiss cheese produced in the Jura region]
4 Words: Others
alim. cuis. moulé à la louche {adj} {past-p} [fromage]hand-molded with a ladle [Am.] [cheese]
alim. cuis. moulé à la louche {adj} {past-p} [fromage]hand-moulded with a ladle [Br.] [cheese]
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