| French | English | |
| chiant {adj} [fam.] [assommant - personne, chose à faire, livre] | boring | |
| chiant {adj} [fam.] [difficile - chose à faire] | difficult | |
| Enchanté. [de faire votre connaissance] | Delighted to meet you, how do you do? | |
| infoutu {adj} [fam.] [de faire qc.] | inable | |
| infoutu {adj} [fam.] [de faire qc.] | incapable | |
| infoutu {adj} [fam.] [de faire qc.] | unable | |
| dr. opposable {adj} [loi : qu'on peut faire valoir] | enforceable | |
| volontairement {adv} [provoquer, faire mal] | deliberately | |
Verbs |
| éclairer qn. [faire comprendre] | 20 to enlighten sb. | |
| dire qc. [faire savoir] | 2 to tell sth. | |
| ébranler qc. [faire trembler] | 2 to rattle sth. [of the wind] | |
| introduire qc. [faire adopter] | 2 to introduce sth. | |
| ôter qn./qc. [faire disparaître] | 2 to eliminate sb./sth. [remove] | |
| abattre qc. [faire tomber] | to knock sth. down [demolish] | |
| zool. abreuver qc. [faire boire - animaux] | to water sth. [animal] | |
| amuser qn. [faire rire] | to make sb. laugh | |
| baiser (qn.) [vulg.] [faire l'amour, coucher avec] | to screw (sb.) [vulg.] [to have sexual intercourse (with sb.)] | |
| baiser (qn.) [vulg.] [faire l'amour, coucher avec] | to have it off (with sb.) [vulg.] | |
| biberonner qn. [fam.] [fig.] [faire aimer qc.] | to be bring sb. up on a diet of something [idiom] | |
| bosseler qc. [faire des bosses à] | to dent sth. | |
| bousiller qc. [travail : mal faire] | to bodge sth. [Br.] [coll.] [bungle, botch] | |
| bousiller qc. [travail : mal faire] | to bollix sth. [Am.] [coll.] [bungle, botch] | |
| bousiller qc. [travail : mal faire] | to botch sth. [coll.] | |
| bousiller qc. [travail : mal faire] | to bungle sth. [coll.] | |
| bousiller qc. [travail : mal faire] | to make a hash of sth. [coll.] [idiom] | |
| bousiller qc. [travail : mal faire] | to make a mess of sth. | |
| bousiller qc. [travail : mal faire] | to make a muck of sth. [coll.] [idiom] | |
| bousiller qc. [travail : mal faire] | to make a pig's ear of sth. [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] | |
| bousiller qc. [travail : mal faire] | to make a real balls-up of sth. [Br.] [vulg.] [idiom] | |
| bousiller qc. [travail : mal faire] | to make a real dog's breakfast of sth. [idiom] | |
| chahuter [faire du chaut] | to make a din [coll.] | |
| chicaner [faire des manières] | to fuss | |
| chipoter [fam.] [faire des difficultés] | to quibble | |
| fin. compter qc. [faire payer] | to charge for sth. | |
| confesser qn. [fam.] [faire parler] | to make sb. talk | |
| continuer qc. [faire durer - conversation] | to maintain sth. [conversation] | |
| continuer qc. [faire durer - conversation] | to carry on sth. [conversation] | |
| continuer qc. [faire durer - conversation] | to keep sth. up [conversation] | |
| continuer qc. [faire durer - études] | to go on with sth. [studies] [continue] | |
| contourner qc. [faire le tour de - souche, flaque] | to walk around sth. | |
| orn. coqueriquer [vieux] [coq : faire cocorico] | to cock-a-doodle-doo [cockrell] | |
| couler qc. [faire sombrer - entreprise, concurrent] | to bring sth. down | |
| crocheter qc. [faire du crochet] | to crochet sth. | |
| cuis. croquer [faire un bruit sec] | to be crisp [crunchy] | |
| déborder [faire saillie] | to project [jut out] | |
| déborder [faire saillie] | to jut out | |
| déborder [faire saillie] | to stick out | |
| occup. débrayer [fam.] [faire grève temporairement] | to down tools [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [strike temporarily] | |
| occup. débrayer [fam.] [faire grève temporairement] | to walk out [coll.] [idiom] [strike temporarily] | |
| décolorer qc. [faire passer les couleurs] | to discolor sth. [Am.] | |